Now we received a tip-off from the public that there had been a mass brawl between foreigners and Germans at the Bollwerk in Neuruppin on Ascension Day ( which is Father’s Day in Germany, Ed.)-
And so it turned out, yes, there was a brawl at the Bollwerk on that day. Norbert Lemmel, press spokesman for the Neuruppin police, did not want to confirm whether it could be called a mass brawl. But yes, there were 15 foreigners fighting with 4 Germans. And a lot of alcohol is said to have been involved. One of the participants had a blood alcohol level of over two per mille. Lemmel could not explain why this incident did not make it into the police reports. Possibly because it only resulted in minor injuries, according to the press spokesman. The reason for the brawl is said to have been that the consumption of alcohol was not compatible with the world view of Islam and that they wanted to enforce Sharia law in Neuruppin, explained one of the injured when asked. The perpetrators themselves fled the scene when the police arrived and could not be traced.
One of the Germans suffered the loss of five teeth when one of the foreigners kicked him in the face while he was lying on the ground. Another German’s arm was deliberately broken by several people when he proved to be particularly defensive. Whether this can be classed as minor injuries is questionable. It is undisputed that there are numerous acts of violence committed by foreigners and this is also shown by the crime statistics. Around fifty per cent of all violent crimes in 2023 were committed by migrants, although they only make up around a quarter of the total population. Perhaps this is one reason why criminal offences and acts of violence committed by foreigners are obviously swept under the carpet in police reports. And this brings back dark memories of a rape in 2016 in Buskower Weg in Treskow, where the public prosecutor’s office even issued a criminal order for incitement to hatred when citizens were upset that this rape was denied by the town of Neuruppin, the local press, the police and the public prosecutor’s office. The offence was only uncovered two years later and only because of an appeal by the perpetrator. He considered himself innocently convicted because, in his view, unbelieving women should submit to a believing Muslim at any time.
“Around fifty per cent of all violent crimes in 2023 were committed by migrants, although they only make up around a quarter of the total population.”
OMG! Is this true that 25% of the German population is made up of migrants?
I bet that if countries tried to pass a law that you could not sell alcohol to muhammadans, that they would object.