Muslim Air France pilot observed Islamic prayer times and Ramadan even during the flight – The flight crew no longer wanted to fly with him because they no longer trusted him

On the basis of a document from the secret service and witness statements, the man, who has been in the profession for 15 years, has been prevented from working as a pilot for more than three months. The administrative court in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) will hear his case on Monday.


In this note, Rachid is accused of observing the prayer times of his religion “even during a flight” and of observing the Ramadan fast in disregard of safety regulations. According to the note, staff members had also said that they no longer wanted to fly with him because they no longer had any confidence in him.

4 thoughts on “Muslim Air France pilot observed Islamic prayer times and Ramadan even during the flight – The flight crew no longer wanted to fly with him because they no longer trusted him”

    Ramadan begins and ends at the time of the crescent moon, it is the Islamic month of skipping breakfast and lunch, gorging supper… and KILLING PEOPLE. However, calling it “Ram-A-Van” would be more fitting!

    For those living under Sharia Law, anyone, yes, ANYONE, even pregnant women, getting caught eating anything during the day or even drinking a drop of water, will get you severely punished… (In the DESERT no less!) This applies to all NON-Muslims too!
    Can you imagine the harm done to a developing fetus during Ramadan? Pregnant women are NOT exempt!

    Many more, and more violent attacks on non-muslims occur during Ramadan than during the rest of the year. Especially after Friday Prayers.
    “Ramadan” is a daily “Fast” that lasts from sunup until sundown for an entire month to show “Empathy” for the world’s hungry (Moslem ONLY!) people. Then, after sundown, they engage in a “Thanksgiving-like gorge Fest” EVERY night for the entire month!

    ‘Battle of Ramadan’: Jihadis Kill 584, Injure 587 in Three Weeks of Holy Month
    (Nice to see that Wuhan Flu lockdowns didn’t interfere with traditional Ramadan activities)
    Casualties at the hands of jihadis during the first three weeks of Ramadan hit a grim milestone, exceeding 1,000 with 584 fatalities and 587 injuries, data compiled by Breitbart News shows.

    Actually, it should not be called the FAST of Ramadan, but the DAILY FEAST of Ramadan for 40 days!

    As huge quantities and large varieties of sumptuous fried meat dishes, a variety of rice preparations & different kinds of breads are cooked/made from dawn to dusk & consumed immediately after sunset. In addition, large quantities of fresh fruits & dry fruits; large quantities & varieties of sweets & soft drinks are also consumed. According to Islamic Law, eating can go on from sunset to sunrise!

    The normal human eating pattern is eating during daytime and fasting during night!
    Muslims have just reversed it and call a “fast”!

    Consequently, many muslims actually GAIN considerable amounts of weight during the “FAST” of Ramadan, because of the sunset to sunrise partying and gorging!

    How is this “Showing empathy” for hungry people?
    Then, especially after Friday Evening Prayers they go out in en masse to kill all those who do not believe as they do.

    Christian and Jewish believers and everyone else, who do not participate in Ramadan are subject to harassment, discrimination, and murder. As last year’s bus attack on Christians reminds us—during this month Islamic extremists can be more overt in their attacks against the Church and individual believers.

    This is the nature of orthodox Islam: It imposes its religious standards on non-Moslems, which makes those religious standards fall into the category of a political ideology.
    Yet countries go out of their way to accommodate them for fear of not being ‘tolerant’.
    Yet Christianity supposedly is the one that gets blamed for imposing (forcing) its beliefs on non-believers?

    What else would you expect from the Devil’s favorite “religion”?

    1. I understand pilots who do not have confidence in another member of the flight crew can ask that they not be rostered with that person again.
      It may be a safety issue or simply a personality clash, but if enough pilots feel the same it will be difficult for scheduling staff to give the offending pilot enough work to keep their ratings current. Another aspect is: Hasn’t the airline a duty of care to passengers to tell them that a flight crew member may be distracted by ‘personal’ issues at times.

  2. Can any moslem pilots ever be trusted?
    They could fly their plane into a mountain building city ocean etc at any time
    following the instructions in the quran

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