Moms for Liberty and California: Two sides in the war for America’s children

By Andrea Widburg

Conservatives often quote famous leftists (e.g., Hitler, Stalin, Mao) and then point out that modern Democrat policies align perfectly with those quotes. A Moms for Liberty chapter, which exists to defend children from government, learned that the left now goes after those who use those quotes inartfully. Meanwhile, California is pushing another purely leftist initiative to take children from their parents.

One of the things the Nazis did really well was to coopt children. This was not an accident. It was, instead, a deliberate plan because Hitler either knew what Lenin said or intuited it. And what Lenin said in one way or another (there are lots of versions of the quote) is, “Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the world.” Or “Give us the child for 8 years, and it will be ours forever.” Or something like that.

Lenin was right: Those first years are the formative years, for a child is both a blank slate and a sponge. The child will believe anything, and those beliefs form the baseline on which everything else develops.

So, as I said, the Nazis went after children. Starting when they were very little, they were inculcated into Nazi ideology. The Hitler Youth was the breeding ground for SS and Gestapo leaders. If you’ve ever seen the movie Cabaret, the blonde youth singing “Tomorrow Belongs To Me“ was one of Hollywood’s best depictions of how the Germans trained their young.

Today’s leftists, just like the communists and the Nazis, are targeting youth. And, of course, the best way to do that is through schools. Parents who work (both men and women) have long been grateful that we have tax-funded babysitting agencies (aka public schools) that also teach our children reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Image: Classroom by gpointstudio.

What’s become obvious of late, though, is that the schools no longer see traditional education as their mission. Instead, in schools across America, the mission is to indoctrinate students in the values that will drive leftist policies (big government, open borders, a military that works for the government, a return to a pre-industrial energy sector, etc.). Getting children to focus obsessively on their genitals and “identities” leaves them broken and, therefore, open to the messages sold with the sex.

We normals are horrified by data showing that students can no longer read and write and by the destruction of biological reality and sexual innocence. The leftists, however, don’t care because reading and writing aren’t the goal. Leftism is. To the extent Moms for Liberty stands in the way, it must be destroyed.

And that’s how an Indiana chapter of Moms for Liberty founds itself apologizing for quoting Hitler. What the chapter did in its newsletter was quote Hitler to point out that leftist encroachments on schools are imitating Hitler. The media deliberately misinterpreted that and, suddenly, Moms for Liberty, which is the opposite of fascist in all ways (it wants to shrink government power and protect youth from the government), has a swastika painted on its back.

It’s not enough, though, for the left to attack parents who want to return schools to teaching academic skills while leaving values (social, sexual, and political) to the family. The left is continuing its fascist (some might say “Hitleresque”) push to break apart families so that children’s allegiances are to a state that provides unlimited sexual focus (a psychological drug) rather than to the parents who truly love them.

California’s legislature has already passed a law saying its child abuse if a parent denies a child’s gender identity. (Gavin Newsom has not yet signed the law.) The law means that, if one parent “transes” a child, and the other objects, it’s the parent who wants to psychologically and physically mutilate the child who will get custody.

Next on the table is a proposed law allowing therapists to interview children without parental knowledge and put them into state-run housing to protect them from a parent denying their “gender identity”:

Democrats in California are pushing legislation that would reportedly enable therapists to sign off on 12-year-olds’ admission to state-run housing facilities without their families being notified, even if there is no threat of abuse or self-harm at home.

Assembly Bill 655, introduced by Assembly Member Wendy Carrillo in February and approved this week by Democrats on the state Senate Judiciary Committee, would also allow kids to receive counsel on gender identity from school psychologists, therapists, and uncredentialed trainees without parental consent.

The leftist war to gain control of America’s children is vicious and unrelenting. And if you go into battle, as the Indiana chapter of Moms for Liberty did, you’d better be ready to take on fire. America’s Democrats are playing for keeps because they understand, just as Hitler did, that “He alone who owns the youth, gains the future.” (And no, I’m not quoting Hitler approvingly. I’m making the point that the left’s tactics are pure Germany 1935.)