The violent hard-left Antifa are already well known, but a splinter group in Germany with a laser focus on race has taken to the streets and it is bent on “revolution towards a classless society”, reports a top newspaper.
‘Migrantifa’ — of course a portmanteau neologism of migrant and Antifascist Action — protested in Berlin on Friday night, a demonstration that devolved into scuffles and arrests after police attempted to shut down banned antisemitic chants. Establishment German newspaper Die Welt gives a rundown on the group which has bubbled under the surface for a few years but now gains new prominence.
The report noted the Monday night rally, called on the anniversary of a terror attack against a shisha bar in Germany that killed nine, attracted 3,500 protesters — Migrantifa themselves claimed “over 10,000” attended — and that chants were led and speeches were given. Describing the extremist worldview held by the Migrantifa group as expressed through the words of its speakers, Welt said the group seamlessly blended anger over Gaza with conspiracy theories about German racism against migrants, seeing no political party as representing migrant interests.
“Deadly racism” is present in the full spectrum from the right-populist anti-mass migration Alternative For Germany (AfD) to the enviro-socialist Greens, said one speaker, who told attendees that at best the political system offered a vote “every four years… between misery with a rainbow flag and misery with a conservative family image”. Even the hard left parties now in government had supplied cash to Israel, they lamented.
The Migrantifa hardliners also “despise ‘diversity’ and anti-racism work-through-workshops rhetoric” — the very basis of the contemporary multicultural state in Germany as elsewhere, and prefer “‘resistance’ and revolution towards a ‘classless society’”, the paper said.
Welt is not the only German newspaper to have noted the Migrantifa rally. Die Tageszeitung also reports on the rhetoric, noting the speeches focussing on popular responses in the country to migrant crime. Noting events like the massive New Year’s Eve unrest in Berlin and the outrage at the behaviour of migrant males towards young women and girls at public swimming pools in recent summers, the protest lashed out at the public’s response to what many would call ‘migrant crime’, describing it instead as “unprecedented agitation against migrants”.
The AfD — clearly an object of hatred for the Migrantifa activists — responded to the emergence of the group, asking rhetorically whether the members might consider leaving Germany, given they have such a low opinion of it. The party said in their sardonic statement: “If Germany is a ‘racist murderer state’… then why don’t you pack your things and go to another country? We would very much welcome it and would be happy to show you the way to the airport!”.