By Olivia Murray
The snobbery and pseudo-elitism that goes hand-in-hand with the elevated status of a Martha’s Vineyard leftist makes it easy to pity their position instead of envy it, with one exception: their ability to swiftly and decisively eject illegal invaders.
On Monday, agents from Boston’s Enforcement and Removal Office (ERO) apprehended and arrested a Brazilian national living in the elite enclave, because he was a “predator” whose presence was “threaten[ing] to residents.” You don’t say.
From a press release on the matter:
The Brazilian national received multiple criminal convictions for raping a child and was sentenced to 14 years in prison. After his convictions and before sentencing, the Brazilian citizen fled the country.
The undocumented noncitizen unlawfully entered the United States on an unknown date at an unknown location without being inspected or admitted by an immigration official.
Per the same source, ERO acts as the “principal federal law enforcement authority” in charge of rounding up individuals who “undermine the safety” of American communities and the “integrity of U.S. immigration laws.”
A hardened criminal exploiting an open border and the U.S. welfare system? Impossible! Karine Jean-Pierre has repeatedly assured us that the border is totally secure, and any “undocumented” persons who do happen to slip through are not a detriment—any insistence otherwise is xenophobic.
But wait, why does the Martha’s Vineyard aristocracy get zero-tolerance agents who protect their communities? Oh, that’s right, because they’re rich leftists, and they’re allowed to have nice things while we little people buckle under the weight of the illegal invasion they manufactured and invited, all so they could fancy themselves as virtuous and morally-superior progressives.
Rules for thee, but not for me.