Mannheim terrorist: SPD Interior Minister Faeser is concerned about his personal rights

SPD Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (pictured) made a press release which AfD leader Alice Weidel labelled ‘disgusting’.
Photo: Sandro Halank / wikimedia (CC-BY-SA-4.0)

At the ‘Palatinate Meeting’, AfD leader Alice Weidel commented on the knife attack on Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger and a police officer in Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, and read out an ‘unbelievable’ press release from the responsible Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD).

Violation of personal rights

What did Interior Minister Faeser say? Weidel quoted from a press release in which the SPD politician had written verbatim entitled ‘Federal Minister Faeser condemns knife attack on right-wing extremist in Mannheim and calls for the video not to be disseminated’:

‘The dissemination of this video violates the personal rights of both the perpetrator and the victim and can lead to further division in our society. Sharing such content violates current laws on the protection of privacy and human dignity.

‘Video plays into the hands of extremist groups’

Faeser also emphasised that the distribution of the video could play into the hands of extremist groups – and by that she meant the AfD! –

Weidel also quoted from the SPD Interior Minister’s press release:

Such incidents are used by groups to sow discord and hatred. By sharing the video, we are giving them a platform to spread hate speech and propaganda. We must not allow that.

Weidel: ‘ Kick Faeser out of office’

Weidel became unusually loud after quoting from the press release and said:

‘What we will not allow is for people like Faeser to continue in office. That’s how it looks! It’s a disgrace! Disgusting! There has to be an end to this kind of bullshit at some point!

Weidel said that the only party in favour of enforcing the rule of law was the AfD. Laws just have to be applied. And there is no state without borders.

Mannheim-Attentäter: SPD-Faeser macht sich Sorgen um seine Persönlichkeitsrechte – Unzensuriert