An overwhelming majority of Europeans believe illegal immigration remains a key concern affecting the continent and consider Christian culture and traditions worthy of preservation, polling by a Hungarian think tank has revealed.
According to the 2022 Europe Project poll conducted by the Századvég Foundation based in Budapest, almost four in five respondents (78 percent) are concerned about the continuous influx of illegal immigrants into Europe, while a smaller majority of 56 percent think it’s important to preserve Europe’s Christian heritage.
The poll covers not only EU member states but the wider European community, including the United Kingdom, the Balkan region, and Turkey. A summary of the polling was sent to the MTI news outlet on Wednesday.
Albania, a country that has recently been the main country of origin for illegal immigrants flooding into Britain across the English Channel, was the only country surveyed without a majority of respondents concerned about illegal immigration.
An overwhelming majority of Europeans believe illegal immigration remains a key concern affecting the continent and consider Christian culture and traditions worthy of preservation, polling by a Hungarian think tank has revealed.
According to the 2022 Europe Project poll conducted by the Századvég Foundation based in Budapest, almost four in five respondents (78 percent) are concerned about the continuous influx of illegal immigrants into Europe, while a smaller majority of 56 percent think it’s important to preserve Europe’s Christian heritage.
The poll covers not only EU member states but the wider European community, including the United Kingdom, the Balkan region, and Turkey. A summary of the polling was sent to the MTI news outlet on Wednesday.
Albania, a country that has recently been the main country of origin for illegal immigrants flooding into Britain across the English Channel, was the only country surveyed without a majority of respondents concerned about illegal immigration.
Approximately 330,000 illegal border-crossings into the European Union were recorded in 2022, an increase of 64 percent from the previous year.
The Western Balkan migratory route, which typically sees migrants travel through Turkey, Bulgaria, and Serbia to reach the EU external border at Hungary, became the most widely used route by migrants last year, overtaking the Central Mediterranean route, which often sees migrants cross from North Africa to Italy’s southern shores.
The figures provided by Frontex don’t correlate with the number of asylum applications recently recorded by the EU Agency for Asylum, which showed almost 790,000 asylum claims were made across the bloc between January and October last year, a figure from which Ukrainian applications are already exempt.
Of the new arrivals, Frontex revealed that more than 80 percent were adult men.