The man was arrested by the police on Sunday, but exploited his hospital stay to flee. He was picked up again and taken into police custody once more. He was to be tried in an immediate trial on Thursday.
The messages sent via a mobile phone were at least explicit. On Sunday, police officers in Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique) arrested a person for making death threats against … his roommate and took him into police custody. The situation was taken all the more seriously because the suspect used images to make some of the content more graphic, referring to the Islamic State.
“A photo showing a cake decorated with an Islamist flag and a hooded Islamic State man was sent, according to a source familiar with the investigation. The remarks were also worrying in their choice of words. The same source quoted the content of a message received by the terrified roommate: “You are not a Muslim, this Friday I will perform a prayer against you, Allah Akbar, we must eliminate the kuffar (infidels) like you,” the same source reported.
(…) “Due to a particularly sensitive context, he was put on the wanted list by the local authorities. He was registered with the police wanted persons file,” said the source close to the case. Le Figaro
After the Jews, all the rest come next. Infidels are infidels….. Jews or other non-believers.