The transgender war on women has come to Nevada’s Washoe County School District. From a local news station:
Parents and students are pushing back against transgender students being allowed to change in girls’ locker rooms in the Washoe County School District. “He also gets a front-row seat to view naked females,” said a woman, whose granddaughter attends Spanish Springs High School.
“Girls feel uncomfortable in locker rooms under any circumstances, but especially when they have to share the space with someone who is biologically different from them at birth,” added a student at Spanish Springs High School, who is directly impacted by a boy who identifies as a girl changing in her locker room.… “A minor cannot have a sip of alcohol, that’s good. But in Washoe County schools right now a minor male can change in the locker room in front of minor females,” said one parent during public comment.
Parents, grandparents, and girls showed up at the Washoe Country School Board of Trustees meeting on August 27 to demand a change to the current policy at Spanish Springs High School. Trustees, however, stated that trans-identifying males have the right to female spaces under Administrative Regulation 5161, which stipulates that they are allowed to use locker rooms that “correspond to their gender identity.” One parent responded angrily: “Every parent should be notified that the male is invading the girls’ locker room. Irrespective of any law that permits.”
In fact, instead of protecting female-only spaces, the school has instead set up a separate changing area … for the girls. Of course, any girl who makes use of this space will immediately be labeled “transphobic” and ostracized by school staff.
Understandably, this solution proved unacceptable to many of them. “I believe in my heart that telling girls to [undress] with a boy and making them feel like they are excluding somebody or discriminating by speaking up by saying they are uncomfortable,” one parent told the board. “By doing that, you are teaching the children silence.”
There are many who dismiss the “so-called bathroom wars” as cynical political culture war – dismissing the modesty and privacy of girls as if they are meaningless. In fact, the transgender movement is successfully stigmatizing and marginalizing those who seek up to defend women and girls. Consider what Julie Jaman wrote about her experience at a YMCA in Washington state at Fox News earlier this year:
While showering after my weekly swim, I heard a man’s voice. Peering past the billowing curtain, I saw a biological man in a woman’s swimsuit looking at two little girls. I was flabbergasted. My immediate reaction was instinctual and protective. I’m a mother of daughters. I also have experience as an advocate for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. I know that men should not be allowed in women-only areas; it’s unsafe and creates potentially traumatizing situations for women and children. I told the man to leave “right now.” Within seconds, a YMCA staff person appeared. I asked her to get him out. Without any inquiry, she immediately accused me of discrimination, banned me from the pool for the rest of my life, and called the police. Instead of protecting the little girls or trying to understand my concerns, I became the accused. I was the culprit.
This is not merely a nonsensical “culture war” intended to gin up hostility toward people who are different. It is about protecting female-only spaces – and indeed, protecting young girls.
Thus far, Utah, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Tennessee have passed laws protecting female-only bathrooms and locker rooms, with several other states considering following suit. Additionally, nine states have passed laws ensuring female-only bathrooms at schools. These laws, as the stories cited above demonstrate, are unfortunately necessary.
It will never stop being surreal that parents are fighting school board trustees to prevent boys from being allowed to change alongside their daughters – and that trustees, backed by the LGBT movement and Democratic politicians, are doing everything to stop them. The fact that the natural modesty of young girls is now considered “transphobic” is incredibly revealing and shows us the dark heart of the transgender movement.