Italy: African hits ex-wife with car, stabs her in front of son’s school

A man intentionally hit his former wife with his car and then stabbed her in front of their son’s school on Tuesday before he was arrested by Carabinieri police in Soriso near Novara, investigative sources said.
The man, a Senegalese citizen, attacked his former wife, 39, who is also from Senegal, by intentionally running her over with his Fiat station wagon car and then, once she was lying on the ground, stabbing her, according to the sources.
A number of passersby rushed to the woman’s rescue and called the police who arrested the 40-year-old on attempted murder charges.
The woman is in critical condition at the Santissima Trinità Hospital in Borgomanero.

Man hits ex-wife with car-stabs her in front of son’s school – TopNews –

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