On Friday afternoon, the Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Santa Elisabetta di Villastanza, a district of the municipality of Parabiago, was badly damaged by an arson fire.
The flames are said to have started from the nativity scene housed in the church building, which was set alight by a man of North African origin who then fled from the church on foot and was arrested shortly afterwards by the local police as he walked around confused.
As soon as people in the front square noticed the smoke rising from the main door, the fire brigade was called, while some citizens living in the area tried to extinguish the flames with fire extinguishers, but were unsuccessful.
The nativity scene caused large flames and smoke, which damaged the wooden parts and a 17th century organ. It took the Legnano fire brigade some time to overcome the fire.
Several witnesses reported seeing a young man coming out of the church with a burning stick in his hand. Shortly afterwards, he was identified and arrested by local police officers.
Mayor Raffaele Cucchi appeared at the scene to witness the events with his own eyes and issued harsh words of condemnation for the crime: “This is an attack on our traditions, our religion and our culture. The fire has severely damaged the 17th century organ and the entire church, so that it will no longer be accessible to the faithful of Villastanza for a few days before Christmas”.
Repubblica Milano / Vidéo Dailymotion Il Giorno / Un « homme d’origine maghrébine » interpellé après l’incendie d’une crèche dans une église à Parabiago (Italie). Les dégâts sont importants, un orgue du 18e siècle a notamment été endommagé – Fdesouche
deprt all filthy Muslims