Until recently, young Liel Abada was considered one of the Scottish Celtic team’s future players. As the team is the champion of the Scottish Premier League, it was thought that he would only move upwards to the biggest leagues in Europe and play for a large amount of money.
Then the Swords of Iron war broke out and the young and talented Abada lost his position on the field, due pressure by local fans who have a reputation for their hatred for Israel and support for the Arabs.
After several outbursts against the Israeli player and Israel in general, the fanatic fans outdid themselves in Celtic’s last league game against Kilmarnock, when “Green Brigade” fans waved banners on which was written: “30,000+ dead 12000+ children. End the Genocide. End Zionism.”
In addition, many PLO flags were flown in the team’s stands during the game.
The main supporter for the Celtic fans’ extreme and hateful approach towards Israel is none other than Dutch soccer player of Moroccan origin, Anwar El Ghazi, who was dismissed from the German team Mainz, following his harsh and blatant statements against Israel during the war. Al Ghazi wrote on Instagram on a Celtic fan sign: “I’m ready to play for Celtic for free.”
The fans’ hatred for Israel and their attitude towards the Israeli star of Celtic, has led the team to try transfer Abada to another league soon. The leading team to accept the Israeli star is the US soccer league MLS where, among others, Lionel Messi also plays.