‘Islamic terrorism has achieved its goal”: carnival parade in Germany cancelled!

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There is great disappointment: the annual carnival parade in Kempten in the Allgäu region with around 15,000 visitors has been cancelled at short notice. The reason: following the Christmas market attack in Magdeburg, in which six people lost their lives and 300 were injured, the ‘Kemptner Gaudiwurms’ could only take place with increased security measures.

However, the additional costs that this would entail would not be affordable for the organiser, the carnival guild Rottach 97 Kempten e.V.. Specifically, concrete blocks would be needed to secure all the parade routes at the access roads. This would double the costs to 50,000 euros.

‘Islamist terrorism has thus achieved its goal in Germany of making the non-commercial organisation of events that bring joy to thousands of people, families and children impossible in many places, especially in the city of Kempten,’ the association states on its Facebook page.

The Rottach 97 Kempten carnival guild blames the ‘political leaders’ in Berlin, who are ‘not taking any responsibility’ but are ‘clinging’ to office and taking ‘thousands of euros of our tax money’, writes the association, which appears to be pissed off. The fact that the carnival parade has been cancelled means a financial loss for the association. The carnival guild even speaks of its existence being jeopardised.

The city of Kempten suggested a smaller version of the carnival parade to the organisation, which would not require the elaborate security measures. However, the organiser rejected this, as reported by the radio station AllgäuHIT. The town is encouraging citizens disappointed by the cancellation to help out so that the parade can take place again next year.

„Der islamische Terrorismus hat sein Ziel erreicht“: Faschingsumzug abgesagt! | Exxpress