Photo: Z.V.g.
As the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan draws to a close, the Muslims broke their traditional fast on the 27th of March – with Social Democratic Party Mayor Michael Ludwig in the festival hall of the town hall.
A prayer room was even set up for the Muslims away from the banqueting hall to allow the faithful to pray in between. Pictures on social media show the room shimmering in a soft light green colour, while a video shows oriental music and the voice of a prayer leader.
Amongst them is SPÖ Mayor Ludwig, who told the Kronen Zeitung newspaper:
'It should be a signal that tonight sends out that Islam is part of our society, also part of our city.
A sentence that was reminiscent of the fatal statement made by Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen in 2022:
Will have to ask all women to wear headscarves - out of solidarity.
While SPÖ Mayor Ludwig – presumably also with a view to the Vienna elections – is courting the Islamic community in Vienna and eyeing their votes, FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl and FPÖ provincial party chairman Dominik Nepp visited a traditional customs event on Vienna’s Rathausplatz on Thursday – the Styrian Days in Vienna.
In addition, yesterday, Friday, FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl said during his speech at the Freedom Party’s election kick-off for the Vienna elections, which was suddenly accompanied by the ringing of bells on Pius-Parsch-Platz in the Floridsdorf district, that he was glad to still hear these sounds in Vienna and not prayer leaders from mosques.
Fastenbrechen und eigener islamischer Gebetsraum im Wiener Rathaus – Unzensuriert