Islamic education in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia: gateway for radical Muslims and Islamists with fake teaching licences

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A minor enquiry by Franziska Müller-Rech, an MP for the Free Democratic Party (FDP) in North Rhine-Westphalia, has once again brought to light the extent of incompetence and indifference in the black-green state government of North Rhine-Westphalia. According to information from the newspaper ‘Welt’, the Ministry of Education is so far aware of three cases in which Islamic religious teachers have falsified their teaching licence (Idschaza). This was the result of an investigation after a case of fraud was uncovered in which an Islamic advisor to the ministry had fabricated all academic qualifications. ‘The review of the religious authorisation of all documented Ijaza of the teachers actively employed in Islamic religious education revealed two inconsistencies,’ the ministry announced. One of the persons in question is no longer allowed to teach, criminal charges have been filed and disciplinary proceedings have been initiated. In the second case, the person is no longer active in the teaching profession.

‘The origins of the presumably falsified documents are not known to the Ministry of Schools and Education,’ the statement continued. The third case came to light three years ago, the teacher in question was suspended and disciplinary proceedings are still ongoing. The ministry did not say why a comprehensive review of teaching licences had not already been initiated at that time or how many Ijaza had been checked. However, it did say that it does not even have lists of the teachers who hold an Ijaza! These are only now being compiled. This unbelievable negligence confirms the FDP’s call for the complete abolition of Islamic religious education in North Rhine-Westphalia.

‘The current reports of falsified teacher licences show once again that this current arrangement can no longer be maintained,’ criticised Müller-Rech, who is the FDP parliamentary group’s spokesperson on school policy. She also warned that the state government must ‘finally show determination and replace Islamic religious education with ethics or practical philosophy’ and must not allow ‘Islamic religious education to become a gateway for extremist ideologies’. A study by the University of Münster had shown what would then threaten, revealing that around 60 per cent of the 252 students of Islamic theology and religious education surveyed were ‘anti-Semitic and extremist’. The actual figure is likely to be much higher. But Education Minister Dorothee Feller ( Christian Democratic Union, CDU) is not bothered by any of this. She considers Islamic religious education, in which only around six per cent of the more than 470,000 (!) Muslim pupils in NRW take part, to be ‘indispensable’.

This shows once again that the Christian Democrats, especially under the Merkel disciple Hendrik Wüst, are nothing more than an appendix of the Greens. Instead of finally acknowledging and combating the danger of Islamisation, they are allowing themselves to be sold fake teaching qualifications and do not even know how many Islamic religious teachers there are in the country. This fits in perfectly with the image that the state government presented after the massacre in Solingen. Just two days later, Josefine Paul, Minister for Children, Youth, Family, Equality, Refugees and Integration, replied to a contact from the Ministry of the Interior in all seriousness: ‘Is there anything important?’ Moreover, her ministry had not the slightest knowledge of the central rules of the asylum system. And influential parts of the CDU are also striving for a similar black-green coalition at federal level.

Islamunterricht in NRW: Einfallstor für radikale Moslems und Islamisten mit gefälschter Lehrerlaubnis » Journalistenwatch