by Giulio Meotti
For years, writers like Douglas Murray, the late Christopher Hitchens and Ayaan Hirsi Ali have been warning us that radical Islam is the greatest threat to the West, to our cultural and physical security. “You don’t have to be paranoid or bigoted to be alarmed,” Hitchens said.
And the canary in the Western coal mine is Europe, which is disintegrating into enclaves, while the numbers indicating Islamization continue to grow.
“Islam is advancing and I see in the West a desire to disappear,” Michel Houellebecq told the Italian daily Il Corriere della Sera.
In the Paris of the author of “Submission”, a dystopian novel that has become a daily chronicle, the famous philosopher Pierre Manent has just been reported to the judiciary, guilty of having said that “the number of Muslims in France cannot be allowed to grow at an indefinite rate. Secularism can more easily move a statue of Saint Michael than transform Islam. Failure to act could lead to a tragedy that no version of secularism will enable us to face”. The left-wing deputies have denounced him. “Incitement to hatred”. Article 40 of the penal code.
“Victims of anti-Semitism and Islamism, unite! The time of pogroms has returned, the Jews know it and have been saying it for a long time”, said the courageous Algerian writer Boualem Sansal.
In California, two children from a Christian school were seriously injured in a rifle attack: the attacker wanted to “avenge Palestine”.
At least in the minds of the enemies of the West, the victims of anti-Semitism and Islamism are united.
In London, a 14-year-old Jewish girl ended up in hospital for injuries sustained in an attack. In that London where strange writings have appeared on the walls of Jewish neighborhoods: “Zionists, leave the country or you will be massacred”. And in the meantime, a bus of Jewish students was attacked. That is why a month ago the city inaugurated a special bus line for Jews.
In the meantime, Jews are leaving the West.
Young English Jews are leaving their country.
And the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of England is also leaving.
A third of all Jewish doctors in Ontario, Canada, are packing their bags.
Over 2,000 French Jews have already left for Israel in the first ten months of 2024, a 95 percent increase over 2023.
And everywhere it is the same scenario.
In Berlin, Police Chief Barbara Slowik advises Jews and Lgbt to hide. “Berlin places great importance on being perceived as a diverse, liberal, tolerant, cosmopolitan city that offers everyone the opportunities for development that they only know from TV series”, comments the brilliant Henryk Broder in Die Welt. “Breakfast around the clock, parks with integrated medicine offers, and nighttime car races on the Kurfürstendamm.”
“If the current police chief is now highlighting the dangers that threaten certain groups in certain neighborhoods, then the situation must be serious. There is nothing to suggest that Ms Slowik wants to damage Berlin’s reputation and scare members of threatened minorities. She simply does not think it makes sense to wait until the Foreign Office issues an official travel warning for Berlin. As in winter on snow-covered and uncleared paths, the police chief may now start putting up large signs at the edges of ‘certain areas’ with just one sentence: ‘Proceed at your own risk!’”.
Apeldoorn in the Netherlands may be one of the “healthiest cities in Europe” according to a recent survey. But stickers declaring the city “Jew-free” have also appeared on the streets of Apeldoorn, an hour from Amsterdam. Free from smog and Jews. Joden vrij. It seems like “The City Without Jews” by Hugo Bettauer, a prophetic pre-Nazism novel.
“Europe will become jüdenrein,” says Abe Foxman, a Holocaust survivor and historic head of the Anti Defamation League.
In that case, perhaps we will see the proposal of Ahmed Marcouch, the mayor of a municipality west of Amsterdam, come to fruition. He has asked that part of the city be declared a “privileged area for Muslims.” An enclave reserved for Muslims in the capital.
That it is too late for many European countries is easily understood from the video in which the mayor of Amsterdam, the Green Femke Halsema, meets Palestinian demonstrators wearing balaclavas and the green sash of the Hamas military brigades.
European leaders know that the situation is compromised.
Palestinian flags fly every day in Dam Square, the main square of the Dutch city of Amsterdam. But the same square is off limits for a demonstration against anti-Semitism. Western institutions are conquered from within. Islam advances on the worn-out body of European culture.
“For whom do the bells toll?”, asked Israeli ambassador Zvi Mazel in a paper on the Islamization of Europe. “It would seem that Europe has lost the will to fight and is also losing the ability to control its own destiny. The bells may ring, but no one listens”.
Bells? For whom the muezzin tolls.
The muezzin can continue to call to prayer in Cologne. In October two years ago, Germany’s first major city began a controversial project. Every Friday a muezzin calls the city to prayer towards Mecca. Now the city of the cathedral visited by the Popes has granted approval for an indefinite period. During the construction of the mosque, residents were assured that the muezzin’s call would not be audible.
But there is no multicultural red line that is not written in sand in Europe.
So, since it seems like we are living in a cruel twist of fate and that according to some calculations, one in four Europeans will be Muslim by 2100 (large cities will be predominantly Muslim within 10-15 years), then let’s play a little with our imagination.
2024: Jews and gays should hide their identities in Muslim-majority neighborhoods, warns Berlin’s police chief.
2030: Women should wear headscarves in Muslim-majority neighborhoods, warns Berlin’s police chief.
2035: Atheists are being asked to wear djellabas in some neighborhoods, warns Berlin police.
2040: Berlin police tell non-believers they must pay a fee when entering Muslim neighborhoods.
2045: The last Germans are being asked to leave Germany, warns the Grand Mufti of Berlin.
Let them fall. Sooner or later the real peace lovers are going to learn that you have to FIGHT for peace, you always have to constantly fight to keep the peace because evil never rests. They were too content playing candy crush instead of punching their officials in the face and demanding they do the right thing. They will pay for their stupidity now. Yes stupid CAN be painful.
The supporters, the cucks and worms who support islame will find out soon enough and be culled. The pendulum will swing back but not without a lot of bloodshed. They just need to make sure that more support blood spills than their own.