Islam, a religion of peace: Police checkpoint in front of the Neukölln mosque in Berlin escalates

Another incident in front of a Berlin mosque shows (photo) that it was a huge mistake to allow Islam and its representatives into this country en masse.

On Friday lunchtime in front of a mosque in the Neukölln district of Berlin, it became clear once again that Islam and its followers are anything but peaceful, as the mantra goes over and over again. Civilian police officers were surrounded by up to 15 people during an inspection in front of the mosque and had to call for reinforcements after initially being called because a car was parked in the wrong place. When they wanted to check three men on the grounds of traffic coercion and insulting behaviour, one of them fled to the mosque grounds – the door was immediately blocked from the inside to prevent the police from gaining access. 20 to 30 Muslims interfered with the police measures and tried to obstruct the officers while another suspect was being checked. More people flocked out of the mosque to take footage of the situation and actively disrupt the police. This led to the third man also being able to flee unhindered into the mosque, where the entrance was once again blocked.

It was only after reinforcements arrived that the police were able to regain control of the situation, but the men had long since disappeared. Two police officers were injured during the operation, while investigations are now underway into coercion, insult, breach of the peace, prisoner liberation and resisting law enforcement officers.This incident once again illustrates what Islam and its followers do when they start to get the majority in a non-Muslim society and refutes the repeated claim that Islam is a religion of peace.

Meanwhile, in the comment columns, people are using sarcasm to get over the increasingly untenable conditions that irresponsible mass migration of Muslims has brought to this country:

‘I’m afraid the officers are guilty of a serious breach of duty: the operation was obviously not agreed with the Senate’s anti-police commissioner, the integration commissioner and the local justice of the peace, as required in the Islamic settlement areas of Berlin. I hope there will be no further escalation as a result of this unprovoked intervention by the Berlin police outside their area of responsibility – this will certainly require high jizya payments for the dhimmis.’

Friedensreligion Islam: Polizeikontrolle vor Neuköllner Moschee eskaliert » Journalistenwatch

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