In my FPM+ article ‘The Autogenocide of Mass Migration’ (paywalled for FPM+ members), I discussed the concept of autogenocide or self-genocide.
Deliberate demographic replacement is considered a form of genocide. But genocide is generally carried out by one group against another. What does it mean when a group carries out genocide against itself?
In politics, a ‘self-coup’ or ‘autocoup’ is a seizure of power by the existing government. Mass migration is an autocoup or an ‘autogenocide’ which, rather than seizing power by armed force, corrupts democracy by importing millions of enemy voters to seize the country ‘democratically’.
In another, non-paywalled article, Ireland is Committing Genocide Against Itself, I broke down how the autogenocide numbers apply to Ireland.

In the last 20 years, Ireland, a small nation of millions, has been overwhelmed by a mass migration of 1.6 million people. In 2023, there were 54,678 births in the Republic of Ireland and 141,600 immigrants. Birth rates dropped 5% in 2023 (hovering at 1.5 births per woman well below replacement rate) but the number of immigrants grew by 31%. And will grow further.
The most popular name for boys was Jack, among Irish parents, while the most popular name among non-European immigrant parents was ‘Mohammed’.
Churches are closing across Ireland and mosques are opening in their place. There were only 400 Muslims in all of Ireland in 1991. That shot up to 19,000 in 2002 and 83,000 in 2023. 3% of Ireland’s children are Muslim now and the numbers are increasing every year.
Like an avalanche gathering speed, this is how the pace of self-genocide accelerates until it becomes unstoppable.