‘Influencer’ Calls for Intifada in Paris

Nosta Lgia

French political influencer Elias d’Imzalène has been reported to the public prosecutor by the French Interior Ministry after he called for an Intifada to be carried out in Paris, according to Le Parisien on Tuesday.

He made the remarks at a Sunday pro-Palestinian rally in Paris.

In footage published on X/Twitter of the demonstration, d’Imzalène can be seen calling to the crowds, “Are we ready to carry out an Intifada in Paris? In our suburbs? In our neighborhoods? 

He added this should be conducted “to show them that the route to liberation comes from us, it starts in Paris and will pass through Marseille, and soon Jerusalem will be liberated.”

He further affirmed that as such, “Jerusalem will become the capital of all the revolutionaries.” 

He later added, “This genocide has accomplices,” and listed US President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron.  

The French newspaper said the French authorities view such remarks as a “provocation to take up arms against the authority of the State or against a part of the population.”

The comments were also a provocation, according to Le Parisien, citing the authorities, “to the deliberate harming of the life and integrity of persons, in this case, persons of Israeli nationality or of Jewish faith, as well as persons in positions of public authority.”

D’Imzalène is the founder of the Islametinfo website and has been the proponent of the claim, which argues there is a “state Islamophobia” in France. According to French media, since 2021, d’Imzalène has been flagged by Fiche S, the marker identifying an individual thought to be a threat to national security. 


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