In Jharkhand’s Godda district, a Muslim girl named Muskan Khatun embraced Hinduism and got married to her Hindu partner Ram. Muskan Khatun said that she likes the Hindu Dharma and is very happy with her decision.
Both Ram and Muskan reside in Godda. Muskan is originally from Bihar’s Bhagalpur and was staying in Godda with her maternal grandmother, and pursuing her studies. Ram and Muskan met a year ago and became friends. Their friendship soon blossomed into love. However, Muskan Khatun’s family members were opposed to Muskan’s relationship with Ram.
On October 17, 2022, the couple reached a local court to register their marriage, however, the family members of Muskan got to know about this and reached the court premises and assaulted her. Local police had to intervene and give security to the girl. Muskan told the court that she wants to marry Ram of her own free will and also sought police protection in the wake of a threat from her family.
Subsequently, the girl was provided with police protection. The couple then reached Meenakshi temple located at Peerpainti in Bhagalpur. Muskan converted to Hindu Dharma and amidst the chants of ‘Har Har Mahadev’, got married to Ram in a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony on November 22.
Reportedly, several Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), Bajrang Dal, and RSS activists were also present during the wedding. While Muskan’s family members have threatened to kill her as she has changed her religion and married a Hindu man, Ram’s family has accepted their marriage.