In the Banda district of Uttar Pradesh, a businessman named Siddhant Tiwari alleged that on Friday, March 31, he received death threats after he played Hanuman Chalisa on the music system in his house. Tiwari has released a video, wherein he is seen appealing to Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath to provide him security. He also said that pieces of meat were thrown at his house.
Based on the complaint lodged by Siddhant Tiwari, the police have registered a case against two accused named Toufiq and Sanu, who are absconding. Police launched a probe into the matter. The reported incident took place in the Aliganj Chowki Hathi Khana area of Kotwali city.
Siddhant Tiwari, the victim, resides with his family at Hathikhana in the Aliganj Chowki area. In his complaint, Siddhant Tiwari said that on Friday evening he was playing Hanuman Chalisa on the sound system after worshipping in his home-built godown. At about this time, a group of 15 to 20 Muslims arrived at his home, began vandalising the house and also smashed the sound system. He added that as the attackers were leaving, they threatened to kill him he dared to play Hanuman Chalisa again.
“You will play Hanuman Chalisa again, we will cut me into pieces, people will not find you,” they threatened him, according to Tiwari.
Siddhant Tiwari stated that he was alone in the house’s warehouse at the time of the incident and was scared after getting the threats from such a large group, and remained silent throughout. He said that had he tried to intervene, they would have cut him into pieces. According to Siddhant Tiwari, the perpetrators also hurled meat pieces in front of his residence.
Tiwari said that he has been playing Hindu religious songs for years, and this is the first time that Muslims attacked him for this. Following the incident, he filed a complaint with the police.
Meanwhile, Vishwa Hindu Parishad has also demanded stringent action against the accused in the incident. They also took out a protest march, demanding that the culprits should be brought to book.
Taufiq and Sanu’s names have emerged as the main accused. There are 12 total accused against whom the police have registered a case. All of them have been subject to legal action under IPC sections 147, 452, 504, 506, 427, and 153A.
In the video, victim Siddhant Tiwari also questioned whether playing Hanuman Chalisa is a crime as he appealed to CM Yogi to ensure his safety. “What crime have I done by playing Hanuman Chalisa?” Tiwari asked.
In reply to a tweet by VHP’s Chandra Mohan Bedi, Banda Police informed that a case has been registered in the matter and necessary action is being taken.