In a brutal incident, a 42-year-old married woman named Neelam Yadav was stabbed and chopped into pieces in broad daylight in the middle of a market area on Saturday, December 3, 2022. Neelam Yadav was a resident of Chhoti Deilori falling under the limits of the Pirpainti police station in Bhagalpur, Bihar. She was mercilessly killed by a person named Sheikh Shakeel Miyan.
According to reports, the accused brutally stabbed the woman to death and cut off her hands, legs, ears and breasts before fleeing the crime scene. It is being said that Shakeel was miffed after Neelam Yadav’s husband had forbidden him from visiting their house. Shakeel Miyan was so enraged by this that he attacked his friend’s wife when she was returning home from the busy market area on Saturday.
Shakeel first struck Neelam Yadav on the back of the head. When she collapsed, he stabbed her numerous times in the head, back, and stomach with a sharp weapon. He then cut Neelam’s Yadav ears, hands, legs, and breasts off before running away.
When bystanders saw her writhing in pain, they lifted her up and took her to a nearby sub-divisional hospital from where she was referred to the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical Hospital, but Neelam Yadav succumbed to her injuries during the treatment. However, before her death, Neelam Yadav revealed the identity of the perpetrator.
Some villagers who recognised her, informed her husband, Ashok Yadav, and the Pirpainti police station chief Ramkumar Prasad about the incident. On getting the information, Ramkumar Prasad immediately reached the spot with his team and sent Neelam Yadav’s body for post-mortem. A case was registered and a manhunt was initiated to nab the perpetrator.
According to the deceased’s husband, his and the accused Shakeel Miyan’s fields were adjacent to each other, which is why Shakeel Miyan frequented his residence. Ashok Yadav suspected Shakeel Miyan of having evil intentions toward his wife. He also said that Shakeel was hot-headed and often indulged in unnecessary arguments and fights with the villagers, therefore he asked him to stop visiting his home. This enraged Shakeel, who then carried out the heinous act.
The Bhagalpur police, meanwhile, has detained 5 people including Shakeel Miyan’s brother for questioning while the latter is still at large.