In a shocking incident, a Hindu woman has been murdered in Uttar Pradesh’s Kaushambi district for refusing to convert to Islam. The victim has been identified as Chanda Singh and it is said that she was in a relationship with the accused Mohammad Arif, who has been arrested by the police.
As per the police report, Mohammad Arif and his family members had brutally beaten Chanda as she refused to convert to Islam. Arif then strangled her to death, left her body in the house and fled. He was finally nabbed by the Uttar Pradesh Police after an encounter on Thursday (February 16) morning.
As per report, Chanda Singh’s husband Durgesh Singh had passed away. She lived in Haldharpur in Mau district and ran a parlor to raise her two children. Arif groomed her by faking his identity. He portrayed himself as Guddu Rajput to lure her into a relationship.
Chanda had inherited property worth one crore after the demise of her husband. Arif used to work as an ambulance driver, and he sensed this relationship as an opportunity to get easy money. He asked Chanda to sell all the properties in Mau and shift to Kaushambi.
About 2 years ago, Chanda sold her property and moved to Kaushambi with her children. Here, she found out that the one she considers Guddu is actually Mohammad Arif. After that an altercation erupted between the two, and Chanda wanted to end this relationship. However, Arif started openly threatening Chanda to become a Muslim, and he even forced Chanda’s children to offer namaz. Chanda started getting sick due to his physical abuse, and finally Arif killed her.
Chanda’s daughter and nephew told the police that Arif took Chanda with him on Tuesday on the pretext of treatment. He killed Chanda, left her body at home, and fled. According to the daughter, Chanda was screaming for help on the phone, after which Arif snatched the phone from her and said that her health was deteriorating.
As per Chanda’s daughter, Arif was eyeing her property. He used to ask Chanda for money every day. Arif also wanted Chanda to transfer the property purchased in Kaushambi in his name. Chanda had bought land in Kaushambi by selling the Mau property and also built a house.
According to Chanda’s mother, Arif had taken Chanda to his village Mirdahan Ka Purwa. There she was pressurized by Arif’s family and other prominent local Muslims to convert to Islam. Upon refusing, she was brutally beaten up by Arif and his family.
Chanda’s mother has lodged a complaint with the police. A case has been registered against 12 named and 100 unidentified people for murder and attempted forced conversion. Police has conducted the post-mortem of Chanda and is taking further action based on the information received from various witnesses.