On Thursday, the Kota Police arrested an Islamist ‘influencer’ named Mustafa Arshad Ali aka Arshad Khan for making an Instagram reel and issuing death threats to Hindus. Mustafa Arshad Ali Khan is a serial offender and was detained for sharing similar threatening Instagram videos on June 11 this year.
In a video shared on October 17, he said, “Kaafir’s, you all will be buried when the time comes”. Khan in the video can be seen wearing a red T-shirt and throwing a terrible attitude to issue death threats to Hindus. “Hamare Khamoshi ki Alamat, Kafiro tumhare lie behtar nahi. Waqt ane par gadh denge tumhe, jaha tum khade ho vahhi (Kaafir’s, you all will be buried when the time comes)”, he said.
Confirming the development, Kota Police informed yesterday evening that Naeem Ali’s son Arshad Ali has been arrested. Earlier on October 19, Kota Police had tweeted that the higher authorities have been informed about the matter. Notably, while the police used the name Arshad Ali, the arrested person uses the name Arshan Khan in his social media account where the objectionable video was posted. There are many such anti-Hindu threatening videos on his Instagram.
Even before getting arrested, he shared a video in which he used a language similar to that of Kanhaiya Lal’s killers Riyaz Ansari and Ghous Mohammad who released a video after committing the murder and before the arrest. In his video, Kanhaiya Lal’s killer said, “I am Mohammad Riyaz Ansari and this is Ghous Mohammad. Brothers, don’t worry about what will happen to our families. I too have a family. I also do a job. But I don’t worry about that. Because I live only for my Prophet. My everything is for him only. None of you should fear. Cut the heads who dare to rise against the Prophet. Labbaik Ya Rasool allah! We will live for you and we will die for you.” They had also said that one day their knife will reach Narendra Modi’s neck.
On the other hand, Arshad Ali said in a video he shared before getting arrested, “Brothers and sisters, a warrant is issued against me. The Rampura Kotwali police station has called me. I need to go. I will go and see what is the matter, what they say. And don’t fear anyone. In this heart, there should be a fear for Allah alone and nobody else. Alhamdulillah, my heart fears only Allah. Haven’t you listened to Hajrat Khalid Bin Wahid’s story? He was standing alone opposite an army of 9 lakhs. For us, death means martyrdom. Jannat is the destination of a martyr. Will not bow before anyone except Allah.”
The similarity indicates how Arshad Ali was inspired by the killers of the deceased Hindu tailor Kanhaiya Lal. The similarity in the content of both is also a testimony of the level of intoxication imparted by Islamist teachings. What is more worrisome is that such videos posted by Arshad Ali from his Instagram handle have lakhs of views and thousands of likes, thereby indicating the penetration of such fundamentalist thoughts in the Muslim community.
However, though the police have arrested the individual for issuing open threats to Hindus, the video in question has not yet been taken down from the internet. The video was posted by Khan on October 17, was viewed by around 70,000 people, and has been liked by around 2600 people. Khan has posted several Islamic videos on his Instagram account which is followed by around 14000 people.