Bihar’s Begusarai police have recovered the 14-year-old Hindu girl, who was kidnapped by her tuition teacher Mohammad Aamir on November 21, 2022. The girl was found in Tamil Nadu. The accused had brainwashed the minor girl who studied in his coaching centre for the last four years, i.e since the age of 10. On November 21, he enticed her into fleeing with him under the guise of marriage.
Popular Twitter user Ashwini Srivastava shared information about the girl’s recovery on December 1, 2022.
Notably, ten days after the girl went missing, on December 1, 2022, the Bihar police released a press note confirming that a team led by Tegra district’s Sub-Divisional Police Officer Ravindra Mohan Prasad used intelligence gathering, technological and scientific research to arrest Mohammad Aamir from Tamil Nadu’s T Nagar area. The minor was recovered and sent back to her parents.
The Begusarai police initiated a search operation after the girl’s family filed a complaint with the district’s Phulwaria police station, expressing concern that she may become a victim of grooming jihad. They were also concerned that their daughter would suffer the same fate as Sharddha Walker, who was mercilessly strangled and butchered by her live-in partner Aftab Amin Poonawala in Delhi’s Mehrauli neighbourhood.
According to the FIR, registered under IPC 366A (procuration of minor girl), the family had discovered a few days ago that Aamir had given the minor girl a mobile phone. For several days, the girl appeared terrified, and her parents said they were certain that Aamir was blackmailing her. They quickly stopped her coaching and shifted her classes to a different place.
The girl left home on November 21, 2022, saying she was going to study, but she never returned. Aamir’s coaching centre was discovered to be closed since then. Aamir, according to the family, lured the girl away.
The mother of the victim told the police that when they went to Aamir’s house to enquire about his whereabouts, his father abused, humiliated and chased them away.
“When I reached Aamir’s house to complain about it, his father misbehaved with me and chased me away by abusing me,” said the girl’s mother.
“I went to the house of Mohammad Aamir but his father misbehaved with me. He also levelled the allegation that my minor daughter took away his son who is more than 20 years old, apart from Rs 1 lakh from the house,” she said.
“A large number of Hindu-Muslim cases are appearing before us. The life of my daughter is in danger. She might be killed like Shraddha was killed in Delhi,” the distressed mother had added.
Speaking about the incident, Navin Kumar, the SHO of Phulwaria police station had said, “We have registered an FIR against Mohammad Aamir and an investigation is underway. His mobile phone is under surveillance. The accused will be arrested soon.”
The police claimed they are ‘holding raids’ to find the minor Hindu student, but the girl’s parents had then said that the Bihar police response has been unsatisfactory.