By Andrea Widburg
April 22 is “Earth Day,” the annual progressive event that gives a modern makeover to what is nothing more than Gaia worship. And this year, on Earth Day, a fire has been raging in a New Delhi, India, landfill. It’s a very, very dirty fire that’s a reminder about where pollution really comes from…and it’s not America.
Democrats adore Earth Day because it gives them a reason to remind us that we’re all burning up in the Hell that is Earth. Of course, anybody who knows more than the info garnered from TikTok videos understands that, historically, global warming (and the earth has warmed many times before) is good for humans. It means more sun and more water, which are the crucial ingredients for life. It’s when things get cold that the hard times kick in, complete with famine and, once a starving population is weakened, epidemic disease and marauding armies.
But, as I said, Democrats adore Earth Day because there’s big money in it for them—by which I mean that the government transfers your money to Democrats:
President Joe Biden is marking Earth Day by announcing $7 billion in federal grants for residential solar projects serving 900,000-plus households in low- and middle-income communities. He also plans to expand his New Deal-style American Climate Corps green jobs training program.
Democrats are unmoved by data showing that climate change is a scam from start to finish. Or, more accurately, “anthropogenic climate change” is a scam.
In fact, the earth’s climate has changed unceasingly from Day One. It gets hot; it gets cold; old life forms die; new life forms come into being. That is the endless cycle of life on this planet. We have a moral obligation to refrain from polluting and otherwise despoiling our world, but we’re not changing the climate.
John Stossel has a short rundown of the intellectual garbage that leftists—led by a communist, antisemitic, mentally ill Swedish high school dropout—keep spouting in order to control the world. (And make no mistake: If you grant yourself the power to control CO2 outputs, you control every aspect of life.)
And speaking of garbage, with exquisite timing, there is a massive fire burning completely out of control in New Delhi, an Indian city with a population of almost 29 million people, if you include the whole suburban sprawl.
A city that big is going to have big garbage dumps. So, what happens when one of those dumps catches fire?
One of India’s largest rubbish mounds is on fire, continuing to burn after almost 24 hours and spewing toxic fumes into the air of a densely populated area on the outskirts of the capital Delhi.
The Ghazipur landfill, which takes up more than 40 football fields and rises to a height of 65m, caught fire on Sunday evening amid soaring temperatures in the region.
The fire was still burning on Monday and at least six fire tenders were on the spot trying to put it out, local officials said.
I don’t see a fire that size being put out anytime soon. And even when the fire itself ends, I suspect the pollution will continue to spew forth:
The fire is a reminder that, if you’re looking for pollutants that allegedly have the power to change the earth’s climate (rather than affect regional conditions), you shouldn’t look to the first world. You must look to the third world. It’s in developing countries that governments build coal-fired plants as fast as they can, that poorly-built factories spew pollutants, and that the people fill the waterways with garbage, especially plastic.
If the Democrats really wanted to clean the earth, they’d unchain the American economy. That’s because rich countries have the luxury of building cars and factories that are less polluting. They’d also stop fighting nuclear power, which is the only clean energy. Well-built nuclear power plants have a very good safety record, although they probably shouldn’t be built on known fault lines, and they produce limitless clean energy.
But limitless clean energy is the last thing Democrats want because where’s the money and power in doing that? “Climate change” policies aren’t about changing the climate because Dem politicians know that one good fire in New Delhi will rewrite the climate script. They are now and always have been about the only green that really matters to progressive Democrats: Money.