By Andrea Widburg
Truths: The Earth’s climate has continuously changed over 4.5 billion years. Carbon is a relatively rare compound in our atmosphere but integral to life on Earth. Fossil fuel has dramatically improved human life in every way imaginable. And he who controls carbon emissions controls everything. This last point is why global leftists relentlessly press the fiction of anthropogenic climate change. As proof that anti-CO2 brainwashing works, 41% of French people polled want to limit humans to only four airplane rides per year.
Westerners have no sense of what the pre-fossil-fuel world was like. It was not a pretty Jane Austen world. Most people didn’t lie around with the lion and the lamb, blissfully contemplating nature. Thomas Hobbes, who lived in that pre-modern world, understood what it was like: “Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”

When I say “pre-modern,” I mean before the Industrial Era and capitalism, when real wages grew at an unprecedented rate and human conveniences multiplied exponentially. The Industrial Era, of course, grew on the back of fossil fuel, whether the wood and coal for steam engines or the coal and petroleum products that underlie everything in the world today. In the pre-modern era,
- The average life expectancy was around 50 years old.
- Fifty percent of all children died before the age of five.
- Pregnancy was often a death sentence.
- Human chattel slavery was usually the only way to accomplish anything beyond the subsistence hunting and farming that a family could achieve on its own.
- Except for the lucky few who could afford horses or donkeys, land travel was limited to an individual’s walking speed and distance ability.
- Water travel was relatively fast and widely available but often a deadly affair.
- Famine stalked humankind. It was a constant, whether because of naturally occurring climate change (cyclical weather patterns, volcanos, etc.), crop failures, war, disease, planned genocide, etc. (Here’s a list of known famines.)
- The world was a dark place. The only light the poor had after dark was whatever fire they could maintain in their hearths.
- Life was often unrelievedly very hot or very cold. Excessive heat can be deadly, but it’s mostly cold that kills.
- For the frivolous, entertainment was limited: No books, no TV, no Spotify, no streaming videos. Nothing. You depended on your neighbors for entertainment, a thought that might chill many in 2023.
- There was nothing to stop infectious diseases. Plague didn’t kill less than 1% of the population; it killed up to 50% of a given population.
In other words, if you want to know what the pre-modern world was like, look to the worst parts of Africa, where capitalism doesn’t exist and the benefits of fossil fuel are reserved only for a small number of the most powerful. Everyone else is at the mercy of the natural world, and it’s not pretty.
This is the world to which leftists wish for us. They want to end capitalism and return the economy to a small cadre of powerful people who sit on tremendous wealth while the rest of us have a meager existence. The best way to effectuate this goal is to remove the essential substructure of modern life: Fossil fuel.
Fossil fuel is why we in the West live longer, our babies and mothers survive childbirth, we’re comfortable (and alive) in both hot and cold weather, chattel slavery is gone, famine is unknown, diseases are mostly controlled (with the disease of 2020 being manipulated panic more than COVID), and we enjoy well-lit homes, computers, healthcare, etc.
If the world’s despots can control carbon, though, they control every aspect of our lives. We become utterly dependent on their largesse. If you want to see what that dependency will look like, in France, brainwashed climatistas want everyone to have only four plane rides in a lifetime:
A new poll shows that a shocking number of French citizens support banning people from flying more than four times in their lives due to climate change.
A poll from research firm Consumer Science and Analytics Institute (CSA) found that 41% of citizens would support such a limit. That number rose to 59% support among 18-24-year-olds. The suggested limit, proposed by engineer Jean-Marc Jancovici, would apply to air travel for business and pleasure.
The poll surveyed 1,010 French residents over the age of 18. It found that support for air travel restrictions was far higher among younger age groups. While a majority opposed the four-flight lifetime maximum, 64% of the respondents said they would be willing to limit their air travel in the near or medium term to combat climate change.
No more business travel, vacations, saying farewell to a dying parent, or seeing a new grandchild…once you’ve used up your quota, if you can’t walk there, you can’t go. Instead, you can sit in your small, dark, too-hot-or-too-cold home, eating bugs and waiting for your short, lonely, nasty, brutish life to end.
Green energy isn’t shiny, pretty, and beautiful. It’s hell on Earth—the same hell that 99% of humanity has experienced for 99% of human existence. We’ve lived in a blessed interlude, but the 1%—the true 1% of anti-human, socialist, globalist tyrants—want to take it all away from us. And the brainwashing has been so good that we’ll destroy our lives without their having to fire a shot.