‘I’ll shoot you in the head, by the Quran, I don’t care! By Allah, I will kill you all!’ : A man wanted for two years threatens passers-by in Deauville, France

According to Ouest-France, a 23-year-old man who had been wanted for two years to serve several prison sentences was arrested in Deauville after making death threats while under the influence of alcohol. On January 28, 2024, he attacked passers-by on the city’s promenades (photo) and threatened, among others, a female jogger by imitating a shot from a pistol. Among other things, he shouted: ‘I will shoot you a bullet in the head, by the Quran, even if I have to appear on the BFM TV channel, I don’t care! By Allah, I will kill you all!’

Arrested by the police, he was charged before the court in Lisieux on the 4th of February 2025. Although he was charged with glorification of terrorism, this offence was not punished. He has already been convicted of numerous other offences (possession of weapons, drug trafficking, driving without a licence, resisting law enforcement officers, etc.).

« Je vais mettre une balle dans la tête, sur le Coran, même si je dois passer sur BFM, je m’en fous ! Par Allah je vais tous vous tuer ! » : Un homme recherché depuis deux ans menace de mort des passants à Deauville (14) – Fdesouche