A teacher filed charges on Tuesday, November 12, after receiving death threats via email, CNEWS learned Friday from a source close to the case and from the prosecutor’s office. The alleged perpetrator wrote that he would ‘behead’ the teacher ‘like Samuel Paty’.
On Tuesday November 12, a professor who taught at a university in Paris filed a complaint in Juvisy-sur-Orge after receiving several death threats by email a few days earlier. The threats started on November 7. Over the course of that day, the teacher is said to have received four threatening emails.
The next day, the teacher received a fifth email threatening him with death, CNEWS learnt from a source close to the case. In these emails, which could be accessed, the author of the threats wrote: ‘If I catch you, I will behead you like Samuel Paty (…) Inshallah you will be beheaded (…) I will play football with your filthy head’ (sic). ‘It’s only a matter of time. You will pay dearly for all the damage you have done to the students. I will cut your head off you white piece of shit,’ it continues. In another email, the suspect claims to have ‘tracked down’ the victim and repeats his threats: ‘You will pay very dearly for this,’ he writes. CNews
This is what happens when you disarm a country, like practically all the countries in the EU and elsewhere leaving ordinary men, women and children to be hunted down by Islamists their own country welcomed with open arms. One evening, my wife and I were fixing supper when someone began frantically beating on our kitchen door. It was the wife who with her husband lived next to us. She was bleeding and terrified after having been beaten by her drunk husband. My wife took the victim to our bedroom while I called 911 and reported what happened. The husband appeared at my back door screaming for us to send his wife out. I told him that other police were on the way, to go back to his home, and we’d sort everything out. He left but returned with a large axe. He said he would chop down my door and come get his wife. When he raised the axe, I raised my sidearm about knee high. He turned around, threw the axe away and ran back into his house. This guy KNEW I was a police officer. My marked blue and white police car was parked in my driveway yet he still threatened me. If I hadn’t been armed, who knows what would have happened?