“I Think It Could Decide the Entire Fate of Europe, Maybe the Entire Fate of the World” – Elon Musk Speaks to AfD Rally in Germany – Goes All-Out to Convince People to Vote AfD (VIDEO)

Elon Musk urges Germans to vote AfD for the sake of Germany and the future of the world.

The world’s richest man Elon Musk spoke today to AfD members in Halle, Germany, via video feed.

Elon’s image was broadcast live at the AfD rally in front of thousands of excited AfD members.

Elon stressed that the coming election “could decide the fate of Europe, and maybe the fate of the world.”

Elon did not hold back.

Elon Musk:  I think we we should fight for an exciting, bright future where people can be optimistic about what’s going to happen, where you wake up and you look forward to the future.

And the way to the best way to make the the best way to ensure the future is good, you have to fight for a good future every day, and it will be great. And we’ll have a very exciting wonderful future. So, and so I think this election coming up in Germany is incredibly important.

I think it could decide the entire fate of Europe, maybe the fate of the world. That is the significance of this election. So that’s why it’s very important to talk to your friends and family and convince them to consider voting for AfD.

And then and just go with it like a chain reaction, convince 1 friend, talk to another friend, and say, guys, do you want this do you want more of the last 10 years, or do you want something different? And I think the people in Germany run something different.

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