“I don’t want her to talk to anyone else”: Moroccan man with an “archaic idea of partnership” sentenced in Bayonne, France, for beating and sexually assaulting his ex-girlfriend

Before the court in Bayonne, the defendant advocated an archaic view of marriage. On Friday August 9, he was sentenced to two years in prison, six months of which were suspended, for repeatedly beating his ex.

She reports two incidents. In the first, he caught her on the phone with a friend. “You pull her by the hair, shake her, her head hits the wall and you hit her on the arms and stomach with the back of your hand,” the presiding judge lists. Symptomatic of pathological jealousy. “In reality, I don’t want my girlfriend to talk to anyone else,” justifies the 43-year-old Moroccan, who has lived in France for over 20 years.

His partner also reports a sexual assault after the separation was finalised in March last year. The public prosecutor’s office had initially decided to press charges for attempted rape. However, the facts of the case were reclassified. For lack of evidence. What remains is “a detailed description that is precise in terms of time and place. The victim is not exaggerating, says the public prosecutor. The psychiatrist even says that she is playing everything down. She imagines that it is her fault. Typical for a victim of sexual offences”.

The public prosecutor demands four years in prison, one year of which is suspended. To the astonishment of lawyer Christophe Desprez. “What do we have in the file? Madame’s statements. Full stop. You can’t convict on the basis of her allegations alone.” The defence lawyer obtained an acquittal for the sexual assault. “I still love her,” said his client. “She told me that I lost her. I would like to know why.” The defendant was sentenced to two years in prison for the domestic violence, six months of which were suspended. Sud-Ouest

« Je ne veux pas qu’elle parle à quelqu’un d’autre » : un Marocain avec « une vision du couple archaïque » condamné par le tribunal de Bayonne (64), pour avoir frappé et harcelé son ex-compagne – Fdesouche