Homophobia at Pride 2023 in Lyon, France: brawl following remarks by a youth accusing a black person of being homosexual Homophobie et agression à la gay pride de Lyon : Au 6 Cour Gambetta, en plein cœur de la Guillotière, un wesh wesh Lacoste TN s’en est pris aux manifestants.Pour ne pas stigmatiser les racailles, ni l’organisation ni les manifestants ne communiqueront pour dénoncer l’agression pic.twitter.com/Vd0bRGWNpW— MEHDI AIFA (@Mehdi_Aifa_AJR) June 11, 2023 Translation: Homophobia and assaults at Gay Pride in Lyon :At 6 Cour Gambetta, in the heart of Guillotière, a Wesh Wesh Lacoste TN attacked the demonstrators.In order not to stigmatise the thugs, neither the organisation nor the protesters are mentioned in any news report condemning the attack. Twitter https://www.fdesouche.com/2023/06/11/homophobie-a-la-pride-2023-de-lyon-rixe-apres-les-propos-dun-jeune-qui-reprocherait-a-une-personne-noire-detre-homosexuelle/