High school graduation ceremony at German school cancelled: For fear of pro-Palestinian protests

Long faces among many students: a grammar school cancels its graduation ceremony – for fear of “massive confrontational political rallies”.
It is actually the culmination of the high school years: the graduation ceremony. Not at the grammar school in the Tiergarten district of Berlin (Photo). The school management there cancelled the “Abi” celebration in the Charlottenburg district without further ado, as reported by the “[newspaper] Tagesspiegel”. The reason: they are afraid of pro-Palestinian protests by the pupils. A number of graduates had planned to appear with the Palestinian scarf “Kufiya”.
According to the school management and school social workers, “massive confrontational political demonstrations were planned by a large proportion of this year’s A-level students”. Based on this information, which the school management had received from a “reliable source”, the safety of those attending the graduation ceremony could not have been guaranteed. The extremely disappointed students were called upon to collect their certificates from the school.

Maturafeier abgeblasen: Aus Angst vor propalästinensischen Protesten | Exxpress