“He wanted to kill the people who were trying to dissuade him from the path of Allah”: On July 11, Karim stopped a radicalised man on a bus between Carcassonne and Quillan, France, who was armed with a knife and making jihadist speeches

On July 11, a 20-year-old was handed over to the police after threatening a group of young people with a knife and making jihadist remarks on a bus between Carcassonne and Quillan. Karim Lahrache, who managed to disarm the radicalised person, reported the incidents.

Karim then took the initiative and grabbed him by the wrist with a punch, “because I had to take the weapon from him. I am convinced that he will stab anyone if I don’t act. If he had had a gun, I wouldn’t be here to tell you this”. The bus had just stopped in Preixan and Karim decided to start a conversation with his unstable neighbour as far as Limoux: “The fact that I intervened surprised him. I’m sure he could have been far more dangerous!” There, “he started crying like a baby. He tried to get me to understand him and explained that he had lost everything and would kill anyone who tried to dissuade him from the way of Allah …”

In Limoux, this worrying passenger was then handed over to the gendarmerie, which Karim had called as a precaution. In this context, Slimen, a 20-year-old man from Val-de-Marne who lives with his mother in Espéraza, was sentenced to two years in prison without parole by the court in Carcassonne on July 18, when he was sentenced to immediate execution. “The one I saw in the courtroom was not the same as the one on the bus. He is someone who is not in control of his emotions, contrary to what the psychiatrist stated in his report. This youth is radicalised and impressionable,” stresses Karim, who does not want any equation to be made with the Muslim community in this case. “I felt something was going to happen in the name of Allah, but a real Muslim acts like me, not like him!” La Dépêche


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