“He is spreading the right kind of message”: Zemmour’s response to the founder of BarakaCity, who wants to promote the emigration of Muslims from France

This is perhaps one of the few points on which Éric Zemmour and Idriss Sihamedi agree. The candidate of the Reconquête! party for the presidential elections next April was a guest on BFM TV on Wednesday March 30. He was asked in particular about the recent announcement by the founder of BarakaCity, an association that was dissolved because of its links to radical Islam. Idriss Sihamedi had made a proposal on his Twitter account on March 28. He suggested organising the departure of Muslims from France in the event of Éric Zemmour’s election victory.

Idriss Sihamedi said that the situation in France no longer allows Muslims to “live their faith in safety” and that “sooner or later, a clear solution must be found for those who reject assimilation”. He said that there was a ” great opportunity” in Africa or in other countries that are “more hospitable than France”. Éric Zemmour did not object to this idea. For the professional journalist, Idriss Sihamedi says ” the right message, so to speak “.

On BFM TV, Éric Zemmour cautioned: “If Muslims don’t want to break away from a rigorous practice of Islam (…) in that case, they have to leave.” He went on to explain to Apolline de Malherbe: “In Islam, there is a will to regulate the whole life of individuals that is contrary to French civilisation. It is a different civilisation, different customs”. For this reason, “Islam is incompatible with France”, he said. Éric Zemmour finally put his statements into perspective, recalling that there are, however, “Muslims who break away from a rigorous practice of Islam and adapt to France”.
