By Andrea Widburg
Harry, formerly known as Prince Harry, confessed in his “straight from the therapist’s couch” memoir that he had used drugs that are illegal in America. Nevertheless, he successfully applied for a visa to live and work in this country. By rights, either he shouldn’t have been allowed in if he told the truth, or he should be deported if he’s proven to have lied. However, on the subject of deportation, President Trump understood that deporting the British King’s son could create an international incident. So, typically for Trump, he reached a pragmatic result while firing a devastating Parthian shot.
Harry’s wife, Meghan, is an American citizen. Harry, however, needed to apply for a visa when he came to America. In the visa, he was required to admit to past drug use. While we don’t know what he said, we do know that Harry used illegal drugs. That’s because he admitted as much in his memoir. If he said in his visa that he didn’t use drugs, that lie would justify deportation, and if he didn’t lie, why was he given that visa?
And why would anyone want to deport Harry? Well, we’d want to because he’s a spaghetti-spined, weak-kneed man who is totally in thrall to a dominant woman. Moreover, because that dominant woman is a leftist, Harry is too.

It’s sad, really, because Harry, with his military background and commitment to the Invictus Games, had the makings of a decent human being. However, like Benedict Arnold before him, the love of a bad woman destroyed his moral fiber and decency.
So, naturally, there were calls among conservatives to deport Harry if it were proven that he’d lied on that visa application or he hadn’t lied but had received special treatment.
The problem for Trump is that, while Harry is the black sheep of the royal family, having burned all his bridges with that book, he’s still technically a member of the British royal family. And while the British government is a hard-left, pro-terrorist mess, it’s still technically our ally.
That means that, while it would be emotionally satisfying to evict hard-left Henpecked Harry, doing so could create a nasty international kerfuffle. Trump, who is busy cleaning out the Augean Stables at home, really doesn’t have time to waste on a spat about the disowned son of a nominal ally.
And so, President Donald Trump, in his inimitable way, said Harry could stay, made nice to the British royal family members who mattered, and delivered an exceptionally telling parting shot (emphasis mine):
[T]he president told The New York Post Friday that he isn’t interested in throwing Harry out of the country.
“I don’t want to do that,” he said. “I’ll leave him alone. He’s got enough problems with his wife. She’s terrible.”
Trump took the opportunity to praise Harry’s estranged older brother William, with whom he met privately in Paris in December during the reopening ceremony of Notre-Dame Cathedral.
“I think William is a great young man,” he said.
The Duke of Sussex and his liberal American wife Meghan Markle have voiced disapproval of Trump over the years, including one outburst in which the Duchess called the president “divisive” and “misogynistic”.
The Democrats insisted that Kamala was the “joy” candidate, but they were as wrong about that as they’ve been about everything else. Every day, Trump brings more real joy to America. This is just wonderful example among many.
This meme sums it all up concisely: