By Rajan Laad
Sir Roger Moore was among the old-fashioned movie superstars from an era in Hollywood that has vanished.
He was flawlessly handsome, he stood over six feet, two inches tall, and rich baritone voice (with an uppercut English accent). Consequently, Sir Roger would be typecast as the gentleman ‘hero’.
Always impeccably dressed, always charming, always getting the loveliest of girls, always eliminating the most sinister villains of all shapes and sizes, usually unflappable while mouthing the wittiest of one-liners.

He is most known for playing Simon Templar in the famous TV series The Saintand for playing James Bond in seven hugely enjoyable films.
But Sir Roger did play many roles beyond Bond and Templar.
On what would have been his 95th Birthday, here’s an attempt to revisit some of his rare and overlooked works.
Sir Roger played a London businessman who discovers that a doppelganger has tried to take over his identity. This film is dark and terrifying. Moore delivers a sterling performance in both roles as the man that was devoid of any heroism. Watch him play the everyman whose life unravels.