Hamas is a conscious adherence to abomination. Not to a mistaken vision of good, but a deliberate and religious celebration of evil

by Giulio Meotti

About twenty people on the ground. Some tied up. A terrorist in yellow boots approaches and starts splitting heads like melons with a rocket launcher. Gasps. Spasms. Contorted faces. Stunned faces of those awaiting death. A terrorist laughs raucously. Allahu Akbar. Then they show the camera the black flag with the shahada. I apologize, but it is important to see what they do not want us to see.

We are in Congo, where more than 70 bodies of Christians, including women, children and elderly people who had been taken hostage by Islamists, were found tied up and beheaded inside a church.

It is no different, perhaps just more efficient, than the video of the Thai farmer beheaded with a hoe by a cheerful civilian in Gaza on October 7.

But those who strangle and mutilate the bodies of two children will not hesitate to do the same to adults.

The Israeli journalist Myriam Schermer of i24News found the most appropriate words about the Bibas family, buried today in Israel: “It was a Black Mass”.

Black Mass. A conscious adherence to the abomination. Not to a mistaken vision of good, but a deliberate and religious celebration of evil.

It brings to mind what Carl Gustav Jung said in April 1939:

“We do not even know whether Hitler will found a new Islam, he is like Mohammed. The mood in Germany is Islamic, bellicose and Islamic. They are all possessed by a barbaric god”.

In the appendix to “Wotan”, Jung wrote a prophetic text in 1946, which speaks of Nazi Germany, but which seems to speak of us:

“We are living in times of great upheaval. This critical state of affairs has such a tremendous influence on the psychic life of the individual that the physician must follow its effects more carefully than usual. A veritable witches’ sabbath. Everywhere revolutions, violent alterations of the map, political returns to medieval or even ancient prototypes, totalitarian states overwhelming their neighbors and surpassing all previous theocracies in their absolutist claims, persecutions of Christians and Jews, wholesale political murders, and a cheerful pirate raid on a peaceful and semi-civilized people.

“Wotan disappeared when his oaks fell and reappeared when the Christian God proved too weak to save Christendom from fratricidal massacre. Our mania for rational explanations is obviously rooted in our fear of metaphysics, for the two have always been hostile brothers. A hurricane has broken loose while we still believe the weather is fine. The disturber of peace is a wind that blows into Europe from the vastness of Asia, that strikes on a broad front from Thrace to the Baltic, scattering the nations before it like dry leaves or inspiring thoughts that shake the world to its foundations. When the wind blows, it shakes everything that is insecure, outside and inside. What do all the beauties of the past from totally different levels of culture mean to the man of today, when he is confronted with a living and unfathomable tribal god such as he has never experienced before?”.

This is why the men and women of Gaza have not only made the calm and cool decision to bring their children to celebrate around the bodies of Kfir and Ariel Bibas, strangled to death by their captors and buried today in Israel. The children also disfigure the faces of the Bibas family in the obscene poster made by Hamas, while a religious monster with a beard sings the praises of war.

Black Mass, we were saying. A ceremony in which the blood and suffering of innocents is offered to evil in a voluntary reversal of all morality. Hamas is not stupid, it has not committed any “communication error”. The debauchery and sadism serve to whet the darkest appetites among their Western supporters.

The aim is also to force human rights defenders into embarrassed silence: Save the Children, Amnesty, Oxfam and the other acronyms. The Red Cross seems like a ghost on those stages decorated with multilingual propaganda slogans against “Zionism”.

After being held in environments full of lice, bedbugs, mold and mildew, barefoot for 500 days and wearing shoes for the first time on the day of release, strangled, bound, gagged with cloth until they suffocated, hung upside down, fed animal feed, the women turned into domestic slaves of polygamous terrorists for sixteen months, these hostages are brought into public view.

And it looked a lot like the slave auctions in the American South during the years before the Civil War.

In 2000, two Israeli soldiers took a wrong turn and entered Ramallah in the ‘West Bank’. They were dragged from their car to a police station, where they were violently murdered. One of the bodies was then thrown out of the window by the angry mob that had gathered and chopped his body into pieces.

In 2004, Arab terrorists opened fire on the Hatuel family’s car near their home in Gaza when Jews were still living there. They shot and killed Tali Hatuel, who was eight months pregnant, and her four daughters, ages 11, 9, 7 and 2, at close range.

In 2011, five members of the Israeli Fogel family, including two children, ages 11 and 4, and a 3-month-old baby, were massacred in their beds by two terrorists from a nearby Arab village. The baby’s head was almost severed from his body.

Support for the jihadist Palestinian Arab cause has completely thrown the West off its moral compass.

Then I heard the hymn to life of an Israeli father, Yarden Bibas, at the funeral for his wife and two children. He does not ask for revenge, he does not speak of lands or war or history or borders, but of a wife he was unable to defend and of two children who taught him to be a father.

I do not know if the civilization of life can defeat the culture of death that Jung speaks of, but if it can, only the Israeli Jews can do it.

If the civilization of life can defeat that of death, only the Israelis can do it | Israel National News

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