Following the discovery of significant damage to the historic Orthodox Christian Hagia Sophia cathedral in Istanbul, which was converted into a mosque, the Turkish government has made the decision to initiate long-term maintenance and repairs. This extensive project is expected to require several decades to complete.
However, there are concerns among certain groups in Turkey who suspect that political motives may be behind this decision, with the intention of keeping Hagia Sophia closed and preventing its use as a mosque. These concerns stem from the fact that a similar decision was made in 2020 to convert the Chora Monastery into a mosque, but the conversion was not implemented and the monastery was unexpectedly closed for restoration work.
Nevertheless, Turkey’s Minister of Tourism, Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, has reassured that Hagia Sophia will remain open and continue to function as a mosque. Currently, structural studies are being conducted to begin seismic protection measures and maintenance work on the cathedral’s domes. However, it is anticipated that during the restoration process, access to the prayer area and visitor areas will need to be further restricted, potentially leading to the closure of the site to visitors for a period of time.
The Turkish media has repeatedly emphasized the strain that the conversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque, along with the subsequent free access to the site, has placed on this monumental heritage site. Numerous reports have already been published highlighting the damage caused to the walls and gates by visitors. Additionally, scientists have identified previous damage to the cathedral, including the dome, and guides have reported issues with leaks caused by rainwater.