By Bob Ryan
Greenhouse gasses are not just good, they are important to making Earth habitable. Without them, most life would not be thriving. It would be too cold.
Even the federal government, when reading beyond the false claims against CO2, which is not a greenhouse gas, shows evidence to support they are a positive.
From NASA Climate:
Water vapor is Earth’s most abundant greenhouse gas. It’s responsible for about half of Earth’s greenhouse effect — the process that occurs when gases in Earth’s atmosphere trap the Sun’s heat. Greenhouse gases keep our planet livable. Without them, Earth’s surface temperature would be about 59 degrees Fahrenheit (33 degrees Celsius) colder. Water vapor is also a key part of Earth’s water cycle: the path that all water follows as it moves around Earth’s atmosphere, land, and ocean as liquid water, solid ice, and gaseous water vapor.
Fifty-nine degrees colder on average is ice age territory, when most animals and people lived closer to the equator in order to survive, as fossil records show on any number of sites.
What NASA did was lie about the impact of water vapor, as others do who are all in on the global warming chimera.
It is considerably higher, which is the reason computer models do not work. By minimizing the biggest contributor to greenhouse gasses, they make it impossible to get close to accurate results.
Canadian historical climatologist, Dr. Tim Ball gave an accurate percentage of water vapor at Frontier Centre for Public Policy:
Water vapour is the most important greenhouse gas. This is part of the difficulty with the public and the media in understanding that 95% of greenhouse gases are water vapour. The public understand it, in that if you get a fall evening or spring evening and the sky is clear the heat will escape and the temperature will drop and you get frost. If there is a cloud cover, the heat is trapped by water vapour as a greenhouse gas and the temperature stays quite warm. If you go to In Salah in southern Algeria, they recorded at one point a daytime or noon high of 52 degrees Celsius – by midnight that night it was -3.6 degree Celsius. That’s a 56-degree drop in temperature in about 12 hours. That was caused because there is no, or very little, water vapour in the atmosphere and it is a demonstration of water vapour as the most important greenhouse gas.
Greenhouse gasses are primarily water vapor. One does not need to go as far away as southern Algeria to feel the difference. Any desert cools greatly at night due to lack of water vapor. Without much water in the air, there is nothing to trap the heat from the sun.
In response to Dr. Bell’s 95%, Skeptical Science, a site dedicated to being skeptical about global warming skepticism, responded with the following:
“When skeptics use this argument, they are trying to imply that an increase in CO2 isn’t a major problem. If CO2 isn’t as powerful as water vapor, which there’s already a lot of, adding a little more CO2 couldn’t be that bad, right? What this argument misses is the fact that water vapor creates what scientists call a ‘positive feedback loop’ in the atmosphere — making any temperature changes larger than they would be otherwise.”
What is not refuted is the percentage of water vapor that makes up greenhouse gasses. They shift the focus to CO2, which is not a greenhouse gas due to it being too heavy and having nothing to do with trapping heat.
If something other than water vapor were important factors, there would be no loss of heat in deserts where people live.
Global Warming: A closer look at the numbers, breaks down the numbers to show just how little impact anything man does regarding climate the predates man. According to the known 95% of greenhouse gasses being water vapor, man is responsible for 0.28%. Leaving over 99% natural.
Without greenhouse gasses, even NASA admits just how much colder it would be. They are what keeps Earth from entering another ice age, which would be devastating to all living things that currently thrive.