By Monica Showalter
Want another reason to flee Massachusetts?
Here’s another reason, meet its state Transportation Secretary, Monica Tibbits-Nutt, telling her state’s residents what she plans to do to them:
According to the Commonwealth Beacon:
STATE TRANSPORTATION Secretary Monica Tibbits-Nutt promised an “unfiltered me” in an address to the advocacy group Walk Massachusetts last week – and she followed through on her pledge.
Using frank language rarely heard on Beacon Hill, Tibbits-Nutt weighed in on a series of major policy issues. She talked about how she would raise more money for transportation, with one option being the installation of toll gantries at the state’s borders with neighboring states. She promised to do more to address traffic fatalities by urging law enforcement to issue more speeding citations. And she said she would not support a layover facility for commuter rail trains as part of the I-90 Allston multimodal project, handing neighborhood activists a major victory.
The secretary promised to be aggressive in pursuing change even in the face of strong opposition. To buttress that point, she said she will not spend any time making decisions with the goal of hanging on to her job. She also said Gov. Maura Healey has her back. “This governor likes fights. She does. She loves to fight,” Tibbits-Nutt said, according to a video of her talk on the Walk Massachusetts website.
“This [task force] is actually different because we’re not censoring it,” she said. “I’m going to talk about tolling. I’m going to talk about charging TNCs [transportation network companies like Uber and Lyft] more. I’m going to talk about potentially charging more for package deliveries, charging more for payroll tax — basically going after everybody who has money. And when I’m talking tolling, I’m talking at the borders. I’m not talking within Massachusetts.”
She added: “We’re going after all the people who should be giving us money to make our transportation better and our communities better.”
She’s talking about separating anyone “who has money” from their money. Because it’s her money, see, and those who earned that money better hand it over “to make our communities better.”
Obviously, she revels in her calls to raise taxes and tolls, much the way Walter Mondale once did when he challenged the great Ronald Reagan in the election of 1984. Mondale, a dour Scandinavian type from Minnesota, though, didn’t quite project the glee at taking from others that Tibbits-Nutt does. But we all know how voters responded to him.
Howie Carr says she has a history of this:
Here are some of the cabinet secretary’s fondest dreams:
- Increasing the state payroll tax.
- Jacking up local excise taxes.
- New tolls on all highways leading into Massachusetts.
- Forcing working-class drivers out of their pick-up trucks, which she claimed are “basically” 18-wheelers.
- Charging more for Uber/Lyft rides, and for package-delivery services.
- Writing more speeding tickets, and suspending more drivers’ licenses, and forcing motorists to appeal the loss of their licenses at the state’s kangaroo-court hearings.
- Using state policy to bludgeon citizens into submission to the Deep State — “I’ll 100 percent use it as a weapon.”
Remember, among other things, Tibbits-Nutt is suggesting cracking down on law-abiding motorists in a state where criminal illegal aliens with no licenses are allowed to drive at will, in unregistered, uninsured, uninspected low riders with absolutely no consequences whatsoever.
But for taxpaying American motorists, here’s what the Democrats have in store for you:
“We’re getting really, really aggressive. We are pushing for less warnings, more citations. I’m telling you, nothing slows down someone real quick like getting your license suspended.”
She continued:
“The beauty is we can be in charge of that too ‘cause we will 100 percent take your license. We have absolutely no problem doing that. Feel free to appeal this in a hearing.”
Sound like the kind of state you’d like to live in?
A lot of people in Massachusetts don’t think so. They’re fleeing “in droves,” as the Boston Globe put it, in one of the highest blue-exodus states in the country.
According to the Globe in a piece dated April 18:
Now, a new report has shed some light on who, exactly, these runaways are. And it probably does not bode well for the state’s long-term economic competitiveness.
Boston Indicators, the research arm of the Boston Foundation, published an analysis exploring trends in so-called domestic outmigration in Massachusetts, or people leaving for elsewhere in the United States. Looking at a two-year average across 2021 and 2022, the analysis found that the people moving out of Massachusetts were predominantly white, middle- and high-income earners, and college-educated.
Particularly dire: Working-age adults are leaving in droves. On net, Massachusetts lost an average of 22,631 people ages 25 to 44 across 2021 and 2022 — the largest number of any age group and a marked increase over previous years, according to the report. For perspective, that’s about the size of the population of Winchester.
Working age people with education are the ones who want out, the actual taxpayers.
The actual loss in the last year is in the neighborhood of 300,000 and 400,000 people (all of their numbers are divvied up by demographics, so some could overlap), with net “international” migration (read: illegals) making up for about 50,000 of the losses, according to their charts.
The Wicked Witch of the West-style glee of this kakistocrat who is coming for the residents’ glass slippers isn’t going to keep anyone staying in that state. In fact, it’s going to drive more of them out. When someone can’t be thrown out of power for getting powermad in a one-party state, the only solution is to vote with one’s feet.