Globalism is not only a danger to our essential liberties; it also runs contrary to Catholic social teaching (CST).
As globalists at the WEF, the U.N., and the WHO are grabbing more and more power and control over our lives, we cannot help but notice something is not going right. Moritz Scholtysik, chairman of the Institute for the Propagation of Catholic Social Teaching in Germany, sat down with me to discuss why globalism contradicts traditional Church teaching and must be rejected by all faithful Catholics.
Scholtysik told me, “Catholic social teaching is basically the Church’s answer to political, economic, and social problems.”
He explained that CST in the “more narrow sense” was developed in the 19th and 20th centuries, primarily by Catholic popes writing encyclicals on the questions of how Catholics “should interact with the non-Catholic society, how we should interact with the non-Catholic state and how we ultimately actually make [the state] Catholic again.”
He added that Catholic social teaching is based on Catholic traditions and the great Catholic philosophers like St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas.
Scholtysik said that globalism is opposed to Catholic teaching and the natural law.
Subsidiarity is “a very important principle of natural law,” meaning that institutions on the lower levels of society, like families, are allowed and obliged to fulfill certain tasks by themselves.
“And the higher entity in the social structure, for example, the state, is only allowed to get in and take over this task at the moment and to the extent that the lower level of the social structure is not able to [fulfill it],” Scholtysik said.
“Globalism destroys this whole idea of subsidiarity,” he added. “They [globalists] try to get all the decision-making processes, all the rules, the laws. They try to bring it all to a global level and leave none to the lower levels of the social structure.”
However, “the lower levels have their natural task, and if the higher levels, especially on a global level, just take it away, that will destroy the natural structure, will destroy natural law, and therefore, in the end, man will not be able to fulfill his natural and his supernatural tasks and reach his natural and supernatural goals anymore.”
“So that’s why we have to resist, as Catholics and as people who are in favor of natural law, this idea of centralizing everything.”
During the interview, we also discussed why the WEF’s infamous slogan, “You’ll own nothing and be happy,” is contrary to our natural rights, why private property is so crucial in Catholic social teaching, and how Catholics can help turn our societies into Christian nations again by promoting the social kingship of Christ.