“Fatherland is fundamental, Family is fundamental, and religious identity is also fundamental.”
During a debate on an Italian talk show, the leader of the anti-mass immigration party Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy) and a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Giorgia Meloni, defended her party’s support of the famous motto, God, Country, and Family. Italy’s former left-wing Prime Minster, Enrico Letta, believes the concept is outdated. Meloni, however, stressed, “Fatherland is fundamental, Family is fundamental, and religious identity is also fundamental.”
“Look, I consider myself a conservative. Let’s not forget that the motto “God, Fatherland, and Family” was thought up by Mazzini. I don’t think it clashes with modernity. What does that mean? It means to defend an identity, which is the identity of our society, a European identity,” explained Meloni.
She continued, “It means that the family is the founding core of our society, the most important social safety net we have. It means that the fatherland is the identity that brings us together.”
Meloni also spoke of the importance of Christians being proud and open about their identities:
I don’t believe we ought to hide our identity, in order to respect others. Which is what leftists believe. It is paradoxical to remove crucifixes from our classrooms, while accepting that entire European neighborhoods have been taken over by Islamic sharia. I don’t get it, honestly.
The leader, predicted to become Italy’s next prime minister under a new conservative coalition government, reminded the audience that “Christian values have molded our civilization.”
Watch the following news clip of Meloni’s appearance on Courier TV: