Gestapo Knocking: Elon Musk Says Germany “Crushing Freedom of Speech Under a Jackboot” with Ban on “Compact” Magazine

Press and half a dozen TV crews were on the scene, similar to the staged FBI-CNN arrest of Roger Stone. The weapons seized in the alleged coup involved several hunting rifles, a crossbow, and a 13th-century cutlass. The trial began in May after a year and a half in custody.

Beginning in 2024, Faeser’s national head of secret political police, Thomas Haldenwang, briefed government-friendly journalists on a campaign by left-wing NGO “Correctiv” to frame AfD (“Alternative for Germany”) members for alleged plans to “deport millions of foreigners and German citizens”. It turned out “Correctiv,” which is funded by CIA cutouts Open Society and Pierre Omidyar, and the German and EU taxpayer had no evidence of its claims and had to retract in court.

Now Faeser ordered German police to raid and shut down Germany’s leading right-wing monthly “Compact” (with a circulation of 40,000) because it “incites hatred against Jews, foreigners, and our parliamentary Democracy.”

“Compact” publisher Jürgen Elsässer was raided by police at 6 am in his home and office in Falkensee, Brandenburg, and photographed by journalists being arrested in his bathrobe.

TV crew belonging to public broadcaster ARD’s left-wing news format “Kontraste” was also present. The editor-in-chief of “Kontraste” Georg Heil is the brother of labor secretary Hubertus Heil (Social Democrat). Georg Heil was apparently also informed of the “Reichsbürger” raid 2022. Police leaking personal information to the press is a crime in Germany, attorney Christian Konrad noted.

Police even removed the furniture from Elsässer’s office, as the desks and chairs evidently pose a threat to democracy.

Now, the politically motivated persecution of right-wing media seems to be backfiring, however. Renowned conservative legal scholar Rupert Scholz and free-speech lawyer Jürgen Steinhöfel both called the shutdown “obviously unconstitutional.”

Constitutional lawyer Prof. Volker Boehme-Nesler said the raid shows ‘”methods of authoritarian states against freedom of the press” by the Antifa minister.

Even left-wing MP Dieter Dehm of the former East German Communist party (“The Left”) compared Faeser to “McCarthy” and warned: “The noose of those who think they know everything is tightening ever more around the neck of diversity and freedom of expression! The Left must show solidarity with Compact and Jürgen Elsässer!”

Elon Musk chimed in, accusing the German government of “crushing freedom of speech under a jackboot”.

“Compact” Publisher Jürgen Elsässer has announced he will counter-sue and is expected to win: “Today, Mrs. Faeser drove the nail in her political coffin.”

“In that case, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser must resign or be fired”, Attorney Steinhöfel told publisher Roland Tichy.

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