Unpleasant situations occurred at a public swimming pool in Mönchengladbach: Several young people are said to have harassed and molested a group of young girls there.
As a police spokesman reported on Monday, investigations have been launched against three teenagers (17) and two young adults (19).
The group of young suspects is said to have harassed and molested a group of six girls aged between twelve and 13 years on Sunday afternoon in the ‘Vitusbad’ in Moenchengladbach.
According to the girls’ statements, they were suddenly harassed several times and touched under water from the group of young men while swimming, it was said.
“Who did what in detail of the suspects in the process and how the individual girls were affected is the subject of the police investigation,” the police spokesman said.
Five of the young men were of Afghan origin, he said. One was from Romania, investigators said.
After police recorded the facts, the girls were handed over to the custody of their parents. The suspects, meanwhile, were released after their identities were established and police measures were completed, he said.
The swimming pool issued the young men a ban on entering the premises. The investigations are continuing.