During a politics lecture at Kassel University, lecturer Oliver Pye had students chant an antifa slogan three times in succession. He asked the 200 or so students to join him in shouting “Alerta, alerta, antifascista!”. Each time the shout became louder and louder in the lecture theatre, as a video shows according to a media report.
According to a student quoted by the newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau, Pye then said that Nazis and all those on the right should leave the room. There was loud applause in return. The incident had already taken place a week ago, but had only now become public knowledge.
The Association of Christian Democratic Students (RCDS) accused Pye in a press release of having “potentially violated the principles of academic neutrality and freedom”. He categorised conservative opinions as right-wing. In addition, the “violent Antifa was glorified”. The RCDS has now called in the university’s legal supervisory authority.
Pye has taken on a deputy professorship at the University of Kassel. He justified shouting the slogan to the newspaper Hessisch-Niedersächsische Allgemeine with the “resurgence of fascism in Europe”.
The university management criticised Pye’s behaviour. A spokesperson said on enquiry that repeating slogans was considered problematic: “The President made this clear in a personal conversation.” There are no further consequences.
Studenten müssen in Vorlesung Antifa-Parole brüllen (jungefreiheit.de)