Germany: Two Muslim migrants bestially murder prostitute

She died a cruel death!

Now more and more shocking details are becoming known about the case of the killed prostitute Silke B. (†53) from Stöcken.

The second alleged perpetrator has been in custody since Wednesday. The public prosecutor’s office accuses the Iraqi (25) and his Iranian buddy (35) of gang robbery resulting in death.

The duo, who live in Hildesheim, allegedly attacked and robbed the 53-year-old woman in her flat on September 19. Beforehand, the men had presumably phoned to pretend to be johns. Oliver Eisenhauer, spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office in Hanover: “Money and the victim’s two mobile phones are missing.” However, no loot was found on the suspects.

After the assault, they allegedly tied up the prostitute, stuffed a sock down her throat and taped her mouth shut. Silke B. could no longer breathe and suffocated in agony!

Both men denied the crime, but contradicted themselves in their interrogations. In the meantime, the police were able to prove by DNA comparisons that the Iraqi had been in the flat. And: The mobile phone of his suspected accomplice was logged into the radio cell in the district at the time of the crime.,view=amp.bildMobile.html