Germany: Tunisian roasts chicken in bank branch with transfer forms

You have to come up with that first!

On Sunday morning, a Tunisian (36) stumbled into the vestibule of the credit union branch on the street Elisabethstraße in Görlitz. He crumpled up a few bank transfer slips, pushed them together on the floor into a small pile and set it on fire.

Over the fire, the obviously hungry man held packaged chicken meat he had brought with him. But the fillet was not completely cooked.

The police arrived, but the fire was already burned out. Spokesman Marcel Malchow: “However, there was a little fire damage.” The repair will cost 800 euros.

The Tunisian had to take a drug test. He tested positive for amphetamines. The man was charged with arson, damage to property and violation of the narcotics law.