Germany: Syrian serial offender refers to “my mother, Mrs. Merkel”

It’s unbelievable what prison officers in Saxony’s jails have to go through!

In Dresden Prison on Hammerweg, the Libyan prisoner (51) was screaming in his cell. When a guard (45) looked in, everything was trashed. Abdurahman E. threatened to stab police officers in custody and held a sharpened cutlery knife in his hand.

Then the former Gaddafi soldier threw his kettle of bubbling hot tea at the officer. He was able to close the door at the last moment – through which he had been looking.

On Thursday in court, it continued: the Libyan spat around, undressed in the detention cellar. During the trial, he spoke of “my mother, Mrs Merkel”. The former chancellor would have flown him to Germany – in 2012, he said, he was treated in a military hospital for a war injury.

Verdict: “No positive social prognosis”, according to district judge Petra Heinze (53). 14 months in prison. The Libyan is now held in Leipzig Prison.