Germany: Syrian Mohammad rapes 22-year-old woman in the park

The start of the trial against Mohammad D. The Syrian is alleged to have raped a 22-year-old woman in Max-Reger-Park in Weiden at 4 a.m. in October last year, according to the prosecution. The offence was committed after a visit to the Hashtag discotheque. Outside, the then 33-year-old noticed the woman, whereupon he accompanied her to the park to smoke a cigarette. When the woman wanted to go back into Hashtag, he allegedly kissed her, wrestled her to the ground and raped her.

The victim was found by acquaintances in the park on a park bench. Visibly upset, she admitted to having been raped. It became clear who the perpetrator was when the group found his mobile phone at the scene of the crime. After the 22-year-old recognised him, friends followed him, caught up with him as he fled and handed him over to the police.

After eight months on remand, the trial against Mohammad D. has now started at the first criminal division of Weiden district court. He listened to the reading of the indictment and the rest of the trial with his head bowed, without expression. Defence lawyer Matthias Haberl immediately asked for a legal discussion with public prosecutor Matthias Biehler and the criminal chamber. A deal was then struck: Mohammad D. made a comprehensive confession and thus spared the injured party from having to testify in court, in return for which the chamber offered the prospect of a sentence of six to seven years.

The confession meant that some witnesses could be cancelled. Others, however, were still asked to testify, such as some acquaintances of the injured party, who confirmed what had happened that evening. District court doctor and expert witness Dr Bruno Rieder ruled out a reduction in culpability, even if the accused had consumed alcohol. The trial is scheduled to continue on Thursday. A judgement can then also be expected.

Vergewaltigung im Max-Reger-Park – Prozessauftakt | Oberpfalz TV (